awakenings the twenty-first [voice]

Apr 29, 2008 16:25

... Right, so it keeps souls in the sack on its back. Puncture that, free the souls along with... internal organs.

Potential plan - hold off the undead hoarde long enough to get at least two people close to the demon. One can distract it and possibly do something so that it doesn't eat anyone while the other stabs it in the back. ... Maybe really hard. A sword would seem to be ideal for this purpose.

I think I can either deal with the zombies or distract the demon.


[realizes that his device is not only recording but also posting to the network. He meant just to be recording notes.]

Ah, how serendipitous; I suppose I don't have to repeat myself.

Do we have everyone? More than two people who can deal with the demon might be a good idea. Er... always have a backup plan and all that...

Ah, I see that someone has the undead mostly taken care of.

jack london, planning is important, kill it with fire, zombies, ew

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