The World is Not a Better Place

May 20, 2004 10:42

The world is not a better place because the_cult_next_door is getting his "culturally appropriative" tattoo removed. God, people. He just got that damn tattoo four months ago! He deserves our scorn, not our exultation.

That said, I think that the idea for Mississippi tattoo is great. Also, I think I owe you a couple of drinks. Last night I went to the Lex with the_cult. I am almost tempted to say that that place "hella sucks" but I hate people who say "hella." Where did all the two dollar tequila-shot-and-a-pint-of-Bass deals go? I'm paying full price these days. That really blows.

Also, some people on LJ are being some Big Ole Drama Queens. That's all I got to say about that.

In case you are wondering, I did not go on the 8:00 a.m. run. For one thing, no one wanted to go with me (losers). For another, I got up at 7:30 to go move my car, bought a coffee and a bagel at Katz, and picked up the latest "Pride 04" glam rag. Could Pride GET any more fucking commercial and disgusting? There are articles in there about "lesbian moms" who sell their 250 gazillion dollar SF home to move to nowheresville to raise their kids, buying a house with a pool and a back yard so big that their kids call it "the park." WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE?

Well, Lotta, hope you are feeling better or are at least stoned and sleeping. If anyone wants Tartine today or tomorrow (hint hint), I'm game.
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