Feb 04, 2008 05:52
I meant to post an entry yesterday, but Sunday was supposed to be productive and it wasn't. My roommate, who is normally a fairly sane individual, decided he was going to get a buddy "hooked up" with a woman who apparently only requires you to ask. I thought such women were only myths or characters that exist in novels - the cleaning lady in Catch 22 comes to mind - but apparently this was the real deal. I normally don't like radical feminism (for any number of intellectual reasons), but this was one of those instances when I realize how much of a feminist I essentially am compared to most of the population. Felt like going "woman, come get some coffee with me and lets talk about why you feel like you have to do this". But perhaps she's happy with it. Guess I'm ok with it in the end - just didn't want my sleep interrupted. My roommate meant well to his friend I guess - hopefully his buddy doesn't have something that will stay with him for years. I was awake from 4-6 am. Should've taken a nap, but tried to tough it out, and just ended up all pissed off and reading essays about mindfulness to calm down.
That massive interregnum in my original purpose in this entry aside, I'm definitely back to my own place again next year.
So my thesis proposal is coming closer. My advisor liked my idea enough in our meeting last week that he was like "lets polish this into a real question next week". I like my advisor A LOT, but I thought "f*ckin a, I'm not that far into the lit. How about meeting in three weeks?" So I'm crack of dawning it today to wander off to the library and look over scales for career self-efficacy (i.e. sense of agency in your own career) and various measures of social class.
My library trip today cuts into my ability to read the three long articles a week I have to for social psych, into the three chapters of stats I need to read, and into the prep for group counseling experiences I have to run (the doc students want our presentations to have a bunch of references - a requirement I highly doubt they hold themselves to). Such is the dance of grad school.
Think today may be my last therapy appointment. She was real cool about pushing it over the normal university limit of 12 meetings. Maybe I'll document the process here. I think it's an instructive enough story and it would probably by good to practice telling the story. All-in-all it was a really positive experience, and has shifted my connection with people enough to have the difference in perspective be quite tangible. Love to have this LJ anonymous enough that I could actually post it not locked, but probably not a good idea. What do people think?
Off to hunt for scales...