May 14, 2005 11:27
im really sick, i was throwing up last night(not forced). Plus I found out the boy i kinda like got arressted and he hasnt txtd me back to tell me what its about.
In a few weeks i will be gone....
BUT I will be back by july, to which hopefully i will be at my aunts house for a week or two.. BUt i have to go to my dads house to get my truck, plus i have a few plans with dave and his friends... Yay
He basically told me and kate straight out he dont want to drink around us at all cuz he gets to horny. Plus he wont let me drive home drunk either so me and kate will be sleeping at his house alot i guess. Frankly i dont care if i drive home drunk. I wont die and plus its only a drive up a steep mountin. I really also want to meet his friend randy. He is hotter then Ryan himself. But w/e
If i go to my Aunt A's place there is the chance that i might get into some fucked up shit with these boys who like me and who are hormonally challenaged. The one all he cares about is my boobs and weather im changing or if im as horny as him. which is impossiable he cares more about sex then me and jess put togeather. Plus his newe idol is frankly one of the best artist of all time, and who is dead besides Bon Scott(rip) But the very late KURT COBAIN. IF you think about its pretty messed up if you base your whole life on a dead grunge rock star. But any Nirvana fan knows that he (Kurt) did not want this lifestyle nor did he want to be come famous as he did.
I found that my baby (fender g) is my only way i can live now, i find it helps me feel no longer depressed. everyone who sees me thinks im prolly just not depressed and im happy cuz thats the front that i put up so know one will know that im like the way i am. Only a certain few know how i really feel on the inside..
I asked my mum to get me a new dvd today... One of my fave vampire/werewolves movies. Plus she is getting me a new nightgown with my fave disney charcter on it and some pants.
Well thats all that is going on in my life. Lol dont pay attention to my mood i like her little horns