I was watching the episode „The Seventh Captain“, when my eyes grew bigger and bigger ... Scotty and Kelly scuba-diving is so touching, in a double meaning. The more I watched them the more I saw them touching.
The last screencaps show Kelly giving oxygen to Scotty. This scene may have been an inspiration for
dorinda and her story "He Travels Fastest":
www.thechicagoloop.net/dorinda/He_Travels_Fastest.htmla long and *absolutely* fascinating story.
So the best I can do is copying dorinda’s description of Scotty’s dream in my post, and show those screencaps afterwards.
This is Dorinda writing:
„He's weightless. Slow, easy, floating in a world of utter blue, so far under the sea that only the faintest fringe-end of sunlight filters down. It's cool here, and completely quiet.
Quiet. No noise. No noise means no rush of bubbles. No bubbles means no air. He realizes he's been holding his breath, though he doesn't know for how long. And he knows he can't do it forever.
Arms and legs give one powerful stroke, all his limbs together, propelling him upward. But he's too far down, isn't he, too far even for the sun to reach. The last ripples of wavering light twist and flicker through the heavy blue and make the whole world a hall of mirrors. He blinks--the salt water shivers like a roomful of smoke--and floating in the middle of everything, there's Kelly. Long legs dangling down, head tipped back a little, weightless as he is himself.
But there's one difference. Of course, he thinks, of course, I didn't think of it before. Kelly's made of air. He watches Kelly move one of his arms in a curving sweep--is he waving?--and it leaves a trail of bright silver bubbles.
He swims closer. He can feel the tightness building in his chest now, gripping his lungs, the last bit of breath getting used up. He sees the thin shine of air along Kelly's shoulder, his neck, his waist. Kelly grins, saying something he can't hear. Bubbles shimmer from his lips, his bright teeth.
Scotty reaches for him, wraps them close. He twines his legs around Kelly's, their thighs and calves slipping along each other's in the cool liquid dark; he slides his hand around Kelly's back and fits them together at chest and hip. He feels the air against his skin. He can breathe now with his whole body, and the tightness lets go with one great, satisfying inward rush. His mouth is at Kelly's mouth, as Kelly is laughing, soundlessly talking, and Scotty leans in and breathes. Breathes in. Breathes of him.“
I never learned scuba diving, but I think this camera angle shows so much peace and freedom...