Jan 23, 2010 02:38
Public access is a big reason why I still pay for cable television. Despite the irony, I cannot imagine a television without. When I first saw the movie UHF freshman year of high school, I envied the 80's home and their television sets as they had the ability to receive public access channels through their rabbit ears. To my knowledge (and desperate searches) I've never seen public access in this way. And despite my inability to view public access for free, I still feel whenever I watch the gems of local television, that I'm closer to the grander purpose of television; communication of ideas at a local level. Also, a large amount of fucked up shit and stupidly obscure shit is available. Right there. Example: I still don't know the name of the movie I'm watching, but whatever it is, as far as I know it is about a sudden bout of mass and unpredictable homicide. A woman is upset that her brother appears to be dead, and a black man is protecting her. The radio just announced that the killers are eating the flesh of the people they murder. Seriously, this is a b-movie from the 60's and this is the type of shit you can't just find easily on the internet yet. It's a god damn gift.