Apr 20, 2006 14:09
Hey, Nana... how come realizing a dream and being happy are such different things? I still don't understand...
I'm liking this series, but have only managed to read up to volume six. (YSI is my nemesis, seriously; it took me more than ten tries to actually get volume six downloaded, and by the time I went for volumes 7+, the links had all expired. :/) My love for Hachi just grows, though, whatever she does. When she does something awesome, I love her for it; when she does something stupid and irritating, I love her even more. I mean, Nana O is cool, and I imagine that everyone who reads the manga wants her--but Hachi-Nana is heartbreaking and young and selfish without even realising it. All of her ordeals (although I gather they get worse and worse as the series goes on) simultaneously make me sad & make me laugh.
(This is clearly my year for shoujo.)
Strawberry Panic! finally downloaded, though! The first episode, anyway. (I have no idea where to find the second episode now that everyone seems to have taken down their subs.) It takes a bit of a different route from the manga, in that you get to know the setup of the schools before you get to know the details of the playgirl Etoile's love life, but the basic feel of the series seems to be intact. (If you're wondering what it's about, think Maria-sama ga Miteru meets Gakuen Heaven. :D Three prestigious religious girls' schools, an ordinary girl who transfers in at a strange time, weird customs, the most important girl in school becomes attracted to the ordinary girl, "onee-sama", etc. Only there's more kissing in the first episode, and more open perving, than in either Maria-sama ga Miteru or Gakuen Heaven.) Nagisa's roommate is even more Inui-like in the anime than she was in the manga, which is all right with me!
Taking my cues from what seems to be most of my friends list, I got my hair cut shorter than it's been since I was a little kid and absolutely refused to have my hair cut ever again. :D The front is still floppy in a Hugh Grant sort of way, but the back is pretty well shorn down. Still more than an inch long, but pretty short. Touching the back of it feels like petting a goose...! It's so weird, but in the way where I wonder why I had long hair, except that I thought short hair was kinda lame.