Dec 28, 2004 01:49
Last night was really fun. Vinny came over around 3:00 and we went to Angel Guardiano's place. We chilled there for like a half hour, and then we went to Tom's house. He's back from the Mountains for Christmas. We were just hangin around, but we were still having fun. Vinny was suppose to stay over with us, but he told us he wanted to go home to get a tattoo because the only guy he let's tattoo him wouldn't be working today. I tried to make him stay, but he insisted on leaving. Tom's mom told him how to get home on the bus. Then I called his houseto see if he got home allright, but when I told his mom he took the train home from Delaware County, she seemed surprised. I thought I got him in trouble, but I talked to him last night, and he sed he wasn't... lol... thank god. I would have felt really bad. Today I might be going to south street with my sister, it all depends. It's really cold out, and I'm not sure if I want to be in te cold for that long. allrighty I'm out L8r