I forgot I had this thing.
...That sounded sexual.
I don't know what to say since last I writ. I guess a few things happened to me.
- I moved off the reservation to Grand Forks to attend the University of North Dakota and I was pretty excited and taking chemistries and calculuses and was certain I'd be a doctor by now. However, I struggled with basically everything there and have decided to quit school and pretend I am educated enough with a 2 year.
- I moved back to the reservation and had a mental breakdown. And they wanted to put me in in-patient at the hospital so I wouldn't hurt myself. But I refused.
- I got my job back, and healed some relationships and I'm back to normal and better than ever.
- I kinda sorta fell in love this summer. With the most beautiful girl in the world. But I shied away because I truly felt like she deserved better. I can't date perfection without constantly questioning myself.
I have a facebook now. It has consumed my life. Moreso than myspace ever has.
http://www.facebook.com/?ref=hp#!/eric.j.hamley That is all.