(it's all behind the cut)
meg slept over. she says my house is so comfortable that she starts getting sleepy like two minutes after throwing her ass on my couch. so i decided to be an ass and see how long i could keep her awake and enlisted mr. kodak to help me out.
but no evil deed goes without some kind of revenge
we went to work and i ran to quizno's for lunch
fuckin toasty
juice it!
suck it!
while we were eating we watched haggard.
which is such a good fucking movie
some screenshots...
work and then that night the diner with tom and sandra
as we were leaving we saw this fucking awesome van.
wouldn't you know that as i'm taking the picture the asian couple that owns the van is standing right behind me. looking at me and sandra like we're freaks. it was kind of embarrassing but still very funny.
this customer came in with these freak ass retro glasses. i was like omigod i love your glasses and she was like oh thank you!! and she leaves. an hour later she comes back with a bag and hands it to me. she goes i know you like my glasses and i have like 5 pairs of the same thing at home so i wanted to give you these and i opened to find
and this...
i nearly shit myself. i was so humbled my her kindness and it lifted me up for the rest of my shitty workday.
as claire would say "I know you're jealous"
that's all for now. more pictures later.