Feb 05, 2005 20:57
well hello all aint written in ages because basically i couldnt be arsed. been to busy having people hate me...ah well shit like this happens. Im over it, he was an arse anyway. I have better friends now anyway so :P l*sticks tounge out - bitch slaps - n runs off* im at my friends house n he is trying to find tabs for brandon lee's solo in the crow...meh. im bored so ive nicked his comp.
Well what have i done today - got up at 10 such an un-earthly hour and went and had my hair done...£50! Mummy paid for it though so its all good really! :) its red n purple...weird i know...but hey shit happens! :) what else thats about it really... im at james writting this n waitin for his parents to go too bed so we can get horribly drunk...:) sounds like fun! hehe! stayin up all nite chattin shit...:) ahh.. dnt know what else to write really. .. . . . .... .... ... ... ...... .......
! I LOVE !
". YOU ."
'''-.,.-''' Love You Paul!
Bye Bye all !