Feb 08, 2009 17:06
At least this curfew won't affect The Unicorn's opening hours, business has been picking up lately. I hope this turn of events won't discourage any customers.
I would still like to know when they see this ending however.
On that account, I have been considering hiring a waiter or waitress to help me in the Tea Room. Anyone who applies for the position must be polite, well mannered, patient and have at least some enthusiasm for the job. Experience in a similar role is not strictly necessary, I will be happy to show you the ropes.
If anyone is interested please come to The Unicorn Tea Room with a resume in hand.
By the way, Miss Integra, I got a new shipment of Earl Grey yesterday, the quality is execptionally fine this time round. Would you like me to send some to your butler? It would be best drunk while still fresh.