Do you believe in religious freedom? No matter what you believe (or don't believe), do you agree that everyone should be able to subscribe to whatever faith they choose? Then read on.
A recent decision by the 9th Circuit Court has upheld a lower court's decision that inmates in the California state prison system who practice Pagan, Wicca, Druid and similar religions are not entitled to the same protections under the First Amendment as other religions (they can't have access to Pagan clergy, for example). This is in reference to the McCollum case (Patrick McCollum is a Pagan minister and activist who brought this case forward to challenge California's "five faiths" policy for the state's prison system).
Ultimately, McCollum decided not to appeal to the US Supreme Court, since a negative outcome there could impact the religious freedoms of all inmates in prison system, not just those who practice a faith outside of the allowed "five faiths". Here's a blog post that discusses this issue, along with lots of links for reference: The thing is, if this decision is accepted as legal precedent, it could have a wider impact on more than just the inmates in one state's prison system. This could impact anyone who practices a "non-mainstream" faith. If Pagan religions do not have the same First Amendment rights as other religions, people of these faiths could lose their job, evicted from apartments, denied credit for loans denied custody of their kids, etc. All this just because they are not "entitled" to the same protections that other, non "second-class" religions enjoy.
Does this seem a bit extreme? Maybe. But there have already been cases where people have been harassed, had the threat of losing their children, etc just because they practice a Pagan religion.
Even if you are of a "mainstream" faith (sorry for that term; I can't think of anything that is as inclusive that is not equally or more offensive), or you're of no particular faith, an atheist, agnostic, secular humanist or what-have-you, please, PLEASE review this proton at the URL below. Then if you agree with its intent, please sign it and spread the word. One of the founding principles of the United States of America is the freedom of religion. Not the freedom of some religions, but ALL religions. Or none. Whatever you choose to believe. Please let your voice be heard on this issue.
When I last checked, the petition needed 300 signatures by 10/25/2011 to reach its goal. But wouldn't it be cool if they not only met the goal, but exceeded it?
I know this has been a long post; thanks for sticking with me this long. It's just something I feel strongly about, even if I personally am having a "crisis of faith" at the moment. When I finally decide where I'm going, I don't want someone else to have already decided for me.
If you're interested:
Another post on this case from the same blog: