Wow. it's been a while. Anyway, news!!!

Jun 20, 2010 22:14

I don't know if ambug666 has gone into any great detail, but WE HAVE A NEW DOG!!!!

Here's another pic- you get a better idea of her size:

(I apologize for the photo quality- these were taken with my cell)

Anyway, the details!

Her name (right now, anyway) is Emily. This will probably change, because we keep calling her by different names- 'Emily' isn't quite her, y'know? I'm open to any suggestions- if we do change it, it will probably be a two-syllable name with a similar sound- Emmy, Ellie, Molly, Mellie... Something like that.

She is a basset hound + something mix. She may be mixed with German shepherd and/or corgi. She's about 30 pounds, the same height as Lorraine but a little longer (don't ask me for measurements cuz I don't got em). She's definitely got basset- you can see it in her huge paws and long, low body. But her hips move like a German shepherd, and her ears and facial features point to corgi (a little bit, anyway. So do the paws, for that matter...).

Provided for comparison. Two dogs, side-by-side!

She is oddly proportioned- her head and paws seem way too big for her body. It's very comic. And she has interesting markings- sort of a mottled pattern of white & brown on her legs, but with 'traditional' German shepherd markings on her tail, torso and face. And like Lorraine, she has an undercoat that doesn't quit. We forsee a lot more vacuuming in our (i.e. my) future!

As far as age goes, the best guess is between 1 & 2 years old (our vet said the only certainty was that she was older than 1 but yonger than 7). She came from a shelter from West Virginia (a popular state with rescue groups due to the large number of kill shelters) and was an owner release. Beyond that, we don't know much about her history.

Personality-wise, she is much mellower than Lorraine-- again, probably the basset in her. She attached herself to me pretty quickly, but ambug666 is very good with making her happy in the belly-rub department...

She loves to kill squeaker toys. Oh, man. I must've thrown away four or five toys last night including this one, which was one of Lorraine's first toys, and her first gift...

It's dead, Jim.

She loves to chew. She also hates to walk on a leash. We discovered both of thse things when she chewed three-quarters of the way through a brand-new leash, given to us by rescue group. She likes the rawhide rolls and antler that Lorraine has ignored for gods-know-how-long, which has started a new game at our house- "it's my chew toy right now!"

They told us she was bone-agressive, but I haven't seen it yet with the rawhide or antler chews. If Lorraine takes one back, Emily will (sometimes) whine and bark at Lorraine, but that's it. And when Lorraine loses interest, Emily sneaks it back... Lather, rinse, repeat.

She is a very curious dog- she has explored every nook & cranny of the hose she has been able to get to. She has noticed the fish in the tank and saw 'that other dog' in the mirror who she just had to tell off. She has escaped through our gate-- ambug666 watched her as she assessed the baby gate and it looked like she was contemplating how best to surmount the barrier. Lorraine has spoiled us- she is contained by psychological barriers. Not Emily!

She may be prone to shoe-chewing-- she brought one of my expensive orthotic (and cute!) sandals to her doggie bed. Fortunately, I rescued it, and no damage was done. Whew! She has either boredom or anxiety linked destructive chewing, as well. She definitely has some seperation anxiety. So, a few issues, like many rescue dogs.

Emily has this funny thing that she does- when she lies down, she doesn't do this gracefully or quietly, she just TWHUMPS down on whatever surface is handy. I'm calling it her 'drama queen' moment! *g* And when she dreams, she vocalizes and twitches (I found out that just now, as I'm typing this).

She is happy to be the number-two dog, and she and Lorraine get along very well. They were running around like maniacs yesterday- chasing, wrestling, etc, etc. It's been a much more mellow day today.

That's it for now- I've been typing this on the Blackberry, and I gotta wrap this up! *g*

dogs, lorraine, emily, photos

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