Feb 15, 2006 22:02

The weekend was remarkably puppy-free. So was Monday. Tuesday was a one-puppy day. But today, ah, today...

Today was a BIG FAT PUPPY DAY!! A gajillion glorious puppies!
To break it down:
  • two fat waddling white cockapoo types seen in the morning on the way to work
  • one springer spaniel with its head out the window, drinking in the wind
  • one big black lab-like dog walking with its person
  • one small shih tsu in Crystalis, watching the world go by outside the front door
  • one big actual black lab-like puppy with its too-big paws causing it to trip as it pulled a bit too enthusiastically on the leash
  • one happy mutt gamboling along the streets of Vienna
  • and last but not least, about a dozen very sleepy puppies in the pet store window.
Of course, the pet store skewed the count a bit. *g*

Valentine's Day was fine, even with injuries. (Yes, injuries.) Our first married Heart's Day. Yay.
Thanks to everyone who expressed their happy wishes for this holiday. I even thank you for the rants.

Not much else to report, other than an attempt to try and take some more control of my life, which has begun by partially surrendering control. Watch this LJ for further details.

Now I take more drugs for the owie-owie shoulder...

Oh, and PUPPY!!!

hee hee

puppy!, my life

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