I just thought it'd be funny to pick a random subject line I've used.
Shall we begin with Wednesday? Wednesday was fun. The drive home took ages, cos of course, everyone was going home. But at least now we know that it will be impossible to get me from Santa Barbara to LAX on time on the 10th, so my dad's gone and booked me a train ticket home. We'll be cutting it so close. My ticket (first class so it's guaranteed I've got a seat. Long story.) says my train leaves at 4:00. I'll get to Downtown LA at about 7:00-ish, and then we have to hightail it to LAX cos my flight leaves at 9:00.
That's just me rambling.
Anyway, on the way home I got it into my head to introduce my dad to No Doubt. Well, that wasn't really my plan, I just wanted to listen to something, so I hooked Moony up to the car's stereo and my On-The-Go playlist just happened to be all my No Doubt and Gwen songs. So we listened to all of them. Well, not all of them. I skipped the ones I didn't like. Anyway, you can measure my dad's enthusiasm for a song cos he'll tap his foot or hit the steering wheel along with the song, and he was pretty enthusiastic for the most part. Especially during "Bathwater", which I found kinda funny. :D
After that playlist was over with, my dad demanded a Christmas song. Moony has a load of them, few of which I like. I think I erased most of them. Then Moony played "Ruby Tuesday":
Dad: Ooh, good one!
Me: Eh. S'okay.
Dad: Or "Paint It Black."
Me: Now that's a good one! *plays it*
Thanksgiving was good. Very discreet. I packed a skirt and some blouses in case we were eating with the Munguias or my grandmother, but we stayed at home. I helped a hell of a lot. I made my usual green bean casserole, but, aside from that, I mashed the potatos this year (which is why the sucked) and I made the stuffing (which is also why it sucked). The day before we'd rented Elf and Fahrenheit 9/11 to watch, and my mom and I loved Elf so much we watched it again while we ate!
That had to be the cutest movie I've ever seen. Or at least seen in a while. SO CUTE! I want to hug Will Ferrell and never, ever let him go! My favorite part (out of many) is at the department store when the manager guy is all: "Santa's coming tomorrow!" and Buddy goes all crazy screaming for Santa. "OH MY GOD!! SAAANTAAA!! I KNOW HIM!!" eeeeheheheheheheheheheee!! XD SO EFFIN' CUTE!!
I got all teary-eyed when Jovie makes everyone sing. Both times!
ehehehe, ok, enough.
We woke up too late Friday to pounce on any stores for sales and the like, so around 2:00-ish we went to Best Buy. My dad was in search of an anti-virus of some sort, and I was in search of the limited edition of Gwen's album and PoA. One out of two. Dad got me PoA and I got all squee-full. Then we went to Fry's. Holy. shit. That place is crazy. I haven't seen so many Asian people in one place since I left Keppel. They had the limited edition of Gwen's album, so I snagged it! yaaay! :D That cd case is awesome. I think I'll keep all my Aqualung in there, just cos I don't wanna carry them around and have the case open and have them fall out, etc.
After that we went to my grandmother's house. She looked genuinely happy to see me, which just means she smiles. (This being my paternal grandmother who doesn't show much emotion, period). Then my uncle James came home. :/ Poor man is clueless. He asked how many years I'd be at school, and started with guessing one year.
Uncle: So, do you like studying?
Grandma: Of course she likes studying, dummy! Why else would she be there?
He did let us borrow West Side Story which he'd bought at Best Buy for $10, cos I hadn't seen it, and it had been ages since my mom saw it.
Once we got home, our plan was to just watch West Side Story, but then my brother demanded we watch Prisoner of Azkaban cos I was in my room just looking at the extra features (WHICH ROCK!!) and he thought I was already watching it by myself. Which I should have done.
1. He insisted on setting the Spanish subtitles. Why is beyond me since my mom likes watching with the English subtitles so she gets the hang of what everyone's saying.
2. He kept reading said subtitles out loud.
3. He kept joking about Remus being drunk on the train. You. Do. Not. Mess. With. Remus.
4. At the part where Remus and Harry are talking on that bridge thing and Remus says: "Oh, yes. I knew your mother..." I know there are hints of Remus/Lily, but hey, guess what? I DON'T WANNA HEAR IT! And this jerk just blurted out: "She was a devil in the sack!" thinking he was so clever. I just got up, told him to shut up, stopped the movie and that was the end of that. My mum and I watched West Side Story in peace.
But anyway, can I just say I nearly peed my pants when I was poking around PoA's extras?! Specifically Professor Lupin's classrom. Specifically HIM! AND! omfg, that desk in his office is haaaa-uuuuge!! Tonks and I are very, very pleased. ^__^
Saturday we all just moped about. It rained. It rained! Of all the places I expected it to rain, home was the last place! I didn't pack anything remotely warm beyond my hoodie, and I just wore that so... it wasn't really packed. Dad and I went to Tower cos I wanted some stuff and I wanted to get Christina a gift card for her birthday. I went crazy. U2 crazy to be specific. I got How to Dismantle An Atomic Bomb, Joshua Tree, Achtung Baby (on sale for $9.99! :D) and Strange Days for $5.99. Which is about as much as I'm willing to pay for a so-so movie with Ralph Fiennes. ehehehehehe.
Then, CHRISTINA'S HOUSE!! YAAAAAAAY!! Carol brought me mah present, from all of them. They're trying to kill me. They got me a five pound, FIVE POUND bar of Hershey's chocolate. The thing is INSANE! It's ginormous! Christina took a picture of me with it. Then she took one for me. And as if that wasn't enough, she made me a card that came with it which, when I open it, has Ralph Fienne's head popping out. :D bweeee!! IT'S THE BEST CARD EVER!! :D ehehehehe...HEEEEEEE! I opened it a bajillion times while we watched a few episodes of Home Movies.
Then today we went to the mall. I was looking for sturdier shoes to take to London. No luck. I got cute shoes, though. I was also looking for my Streetwise Messenger I want oh-so-much. No luck either. Although, when we were in Nordstrom, I was looking at all the new L.A.M.B. bags, and showing my mom the Rasta Ribbon and the Donegal bags when this guy came up to me and said: "Did you you find the one you were looking for?" Not, "Are you finding everything okay," like they usually ask, but he was asking if I'd found the L.A.M.B. bag I was looking for. I nearly squeed. He knew I was looking for L.A.M.B. cos when I said I was just looking at them, he told me he saw I had the "L.A.M.B. stuff going on," which was just my red concert bag, and then we was really nice and told me they were gonna have "the camo" print out soon (Lambi Cami) and he went on and told me that was a nice one, etc. ehehehe. I like when boys notice L.A.M.B. bags. Of course he works around them, but still. :D
My mum was so nice. She got me these spiffy shoes at Hot Topic and those Harry Potter magnets that were on my wish list. I think I'm going to make the Draco ones Remus magnets. Not that I don't like him, I just don't need two of him.
Then home pretty much sucked cos my brother turned into the grade-A asshole he always is and ruined everything by pissing my mother off. Granted, that's not hard to do, but still.
And now... I have to study. And wake up early and shower tomorrow. I'm effin' freezing now, no way I'm showering tonight. I should've gone and watched that movie with Catherine and Brittny. I mean, I've gotten A's on all my Greek Mythology quizzes without even trying, this could be the one I drop. :/ Oh well.
It's good to be back, cos I missed everyone! Just wish I'd seen Jackie. :(