billy_flynn pointed out, on our way back from the bus stop, that college rocked in comparison to high school because nothing cool, random, or unexpected happened back then. (That lockdown deal was pretty hardcore, but that's another story that was most likely documented in
Anyway, I really do love this randomness. I had lunch with Tammy (! Of all people!) and Tracy today at around 2:00 instead of sleeping my way through Astronomy... again. It was quite enjoyable! Tammy said that in her drunk ramblings last night, Stephanie said she liked having me as a room mate, especially cos I had joined in her and Lindsay's Smirnoff fun earlier that day and hadn't like... hogged half their bottles or whatev.
OH! About last night! Actually, I should go back to this morning, cos it was pretty awesome and I totally skipped it. So last night Stephanie came in and just collapsed on her bed which scared me a bit, but not as much as Lindsay just coming into our room while I was half asleep, mostly because I realised I hadn't locked the door. So! I woke up at about 7:15 this morning but didnt' drag myself out of bed until 7:40, which is bad considering I have a discussion at 8:00. I got there just in time for Tracy handing back the quizzes we took last week in discussion and (this week?) in lecture. I got a 70% on the discussion quiz, like I knew I would cos I didn't read, but I got a "Good!" for knowing that Theseus had attempted to kidnap Helen years before Paris did but was stopped by Castor and Polydeuces. Anyway, I'm sure you remember the post about The Worst Quiz Ever? The one I was definitely going to drop because I left an entire section blank? I got a 93.25% on that one. There's nothing to drop! And apparently I was one of the few who a)knew Andromache's name and b)actually got a good grade on this. Tracy was asking the class what was hard about the test and I just... well, I just sat there and stared at the chalk board cos I got a good grade! I'm not even going to pretend to be surprised. I've known this stuff for ages.
After that I went to breakfast and then came back to reply to a few lj comments. Since Stephanie was still asleep and I didn't want to bug her with my keys clackin' away, I thought I'd go to Tracy's office hours wich end at 10:30. I still can't remember what distracted me, but I didn't actually start walking to the HSSB until 10:20, and I got to the first floor at exactly 10:30. Luckily, Tracy was still there, so I sat and talked. I love my T.A. SO MUCH!. She listens to me complain about my room mate and she's just the coolest T.A. ever. She asked about my paper and I told her I'd be doing it on Quiz Show, and after I mentioned that I wanted something fun to watch and that I chose that because Ralph Fiennes was in it... hell, I loved her even more. She did that "Ohhh, GOD he's gorgeous" face and uuuuugh. We just sat there talking about movies Ralph Fiennes has been in (mostly Red Dragon), and after I mentioned that I saw Maid In Manhattan just because he was in it, she suggested that that could be a good movie to use. (Which I will have to SERIOUSLY think a LOT about). Since we'd been talking until we had about fifteen minutes before lecture we decided to walk down there together. Tracy took me down the uber!secret passageway which is by the end of the Classics department and on the way she briefly introduced me to Professor Athanassakis, author of two of the books we've read for class. :D
Lecture was fun!
mayet sat next to me! Which might not have been a good idea cos we mostly giggled, thinking about scruffy!beard!Erickson. And scribbling. I don't remember how/why the subject of some guy asking Valerie what shampoo she used came up, but the quote: "I get off in the shower to my shampoo" is a result of that and the fact that the guy asked her if Herbal Essences really caused orgasms. @__@ THEN! we drew scared-lookin' cows from the herd of Helios cos Erickson was talking about how Odyssesus' men sacrificed them against their will. My cow says MOO! and is thinking: WTF?! and has the O_O face on it, somewhat. Valerie's said: Hey, buddy, what the heck are you doing? But before that Erickson said something about extra credit? I dunno, whatever, which made me scribble on her notes:
Me: Extra credit ;)
Valerie: This gets one an A, right prof? *kneels*
bwaaaaaaaaahahahahahaaa!! XD I don't think I've ever giggled so much in that class.
So yeah, after that I had my lunch and then I went to Albertson's with Sam and Laura, just cos I wandered into her room and I tagged along. I got me some Wheat Thins and some of thsoe pirate cheese puff things that Valerie had the first time we Beboped.
So today was pretty unexpected. I wasn't expecting to even find Tracy in her office, but not only did I find her, but now I know she likes Ralph Fiennes and she rambles on and on... like me! I wasn't expecting to have lunch with Tammy, but I did and it was nice! I wasn't expecting to go anywhere, but I tagged along with
billy_flynn and
lauralucas and I bought food AND my very own copy of Donnie Darko. yaaay!
Bloody brilliant day. ^____^
And, cos I'm listening to this song, I feel I need to mention that we're sooo going to watch Moulin Rouge tonight and that Catherine and I will be sleeping over with Laura so she won't be alone while Brittny stays in her mom's hotel room, cos she's visiting. YAY!
ladymango made that for me, and I giggled SO MUCH because the last time I was feeling crappy
glaelia went into Remus mode and ordered me to have chocolate cos it'd cheer me up. And we all know I can't deny Remus anything. ;)
*huggles Ashie*