Dec 12, 2007 13:18
Latin and Greek are done!
Latin: Not too shabby! I translated a good deal for each passage, although I failed on the second gobbet (Prof. Dunn has this portion of the exam he calls gobbets which are just random stanzas from random odes which we don't translate, just talk about). The final essay looked pretty good too. I don't even care that I fucked up the Alcaic meter royally. IT'S OVERRRR! And I didn't fail. :D
Greek is a completely different story. Well, not so different. Dutsch's little pre-final report card said I was getting a C, which I find unbelievable. I've barely been trying in this class because the text makes me so fucking angry I don't want to look at it. So she's been generous in giving me that. It makes my grad school aspirations sad that I don't even care- I just want a C so I can move on to Homer. Anyway, the final itself wasn't so bad. It was like a quiz with lots of choices. I did pretty well for having had only an hour and a half of sleep. That's right. I panicked so much about everything I had left to do that I freaked myself out of sleep. -___-
I'm not worried for Lee's final tomorrow. A group of us are getting together later today to study for that test. Which should be fun. That was really useful for the midterm.
Then I just have to worry about cranking out my 8-10 page piece of shit for seminar and I'm dooooooone and I can sleep and play video games and go see The Golden Compass. It really is a crime I haven't seen it yet. I love HDM so much more than HP (yes, there was a time they were somewhat equal in my affection but SOMEONE decided to suck ass). I (conveniently, because I have fuck else to do) started reading my copy of Northern Lights. ♥ Pullman is a genius and if you say otherwise you know what you can suck.
Brittny came over last night dinner! We got food and watched some Arrested Development (AAAAHH! GENE!). Then we watched the Best of the Awesome Dept. DVD Laura made for us ages ago (Val and I really wanted to watch it with Brittny so we waited). AAAH It was magical. I love you guys so much. The Halloween '06 video made me tear up. I don't know why "The Coast is Always Changing" made it more nostalgic and sadder than the other videos. waah.
With these two demon finals out of the way, this stupid paper should be easier to get done with.
I really want a nap.
awesome dept.,