Earlier today, at around 4:00, I was sitting on my ass wasting away my existence when Valerie came in wondering if I could help her with her Borzage Bake Sale (that's what I'm calling it because the profits go to the documentary about Frank Borzage she's directing).
So we gang banged the thing and... stayed home.
It was a mini-adventure. I rushed into the grocery store to buy supplies for sugar cookies while Val went to Michael's and got stuff for the posters.
Our first recipe was shit. The cookies were NOT the same texture as sugar cookies- they were extremely cakey and tasted like eggs. UGH. Nasty.
Our next recipe was far more successful.
As a reward I get to see Ratatouille tonight in IV Theater for free! Well, hopefully. I just have to stand around the bake sale in the lobby before the 9:00 showing and then go inside and sit down.
You've all heard
The News. I wish I could be more excited. I'm pleased, but still very very bitter, which keeps me from squeeing. Also, I've seen enough idiotic "omg so then Remus and Sirius MUST be too!!!" comments to give me a goddamn ulcer. Just sit down and shut the fuck up.