my good day

Jan 17, 2007 23:40

Today was good despite the shitty weather because:

1. I got praise from Erickson! Latin does this tricksy thing (once you're actually speaking) where vowels just drop all over the place and words get all mushed together. (It's called elision if you want to get fancy about it, and there are rules, but I'm far too lazy). ANYWAY, he put up one of the Catullus poems we'll be translating soon, but he wanted us to practice elision and stressing the meter, so he went around the room and asked us to read a line each. I got a tricky line and did quite well. He actually said it was perfect. Heee! :D

2. NATHAN!! Goddam, I haven't seen him since the beginning of last quarter, so this was... pretty wonderful AND completely unexpected. I was just walking past the bus circle and all of a sudden he came up behind me and said hi. I probably looked like a major tool saying hi to him, I was just SO surprised. I wish he'd grow at least his mustache back. He looked so precious and very much like a historian with it. Anyway, he asked how things were going and then told me he's TAing for History 4B again AND he's the reader for some History of Christianity class, so he's swimming in Christianity. It was just really good bumping into him again. I have no reason to bug him during office hours now since he's not my TA for anything, and he's really good at humoring me, if nothing else.

3. Speaking of Nates: Nate on Beauty and the Geek is.... GUUH!! I mean, I thought he was SFA (so fucking adorable) just the way he was, before the makeover, but that was really a case where facial hair was in the way. Damn. He's really attractive and precious.

4. AWESOME DEPT. CHRISTMAS!!!! Yeah, we JUST opened Christmas presents from each other. Actually, Val and Catherine let me open theirs on Sunday because I felt like shit (movies! The White Countess and A Hard Day's Night, respectively), but... it's all amazing. Brittny got me the Back to the Future triolgy, which I'm SO grateful for because I don't have a copy of my own. And that's ridiculous, it's my favorite movie of all time (ALL THREE!! SUCK IT!). Starr got me pajama pants with cute little penguins taking over the North Pole, and Laura... Oh, Laura. She got me a George Foreman grill. So now I'm going to wake up to the smell of bacon every morning. It's delicious, it's good for me... it's a great way to start the day!

I'd write more, but I'm tired and I need a shower. I am NOT waking up early for one.

latin, christmas, awesome dept., noncake, manhands

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