Duhhh, Gus Gus!

Jun 13, 2006 15:28

Brief update, because I REALLY should be stuyding for Latin:

+ History 4b review session went well. Really well. *sigh*

+ Talked to prof. Dutsch right after, asking her about taking another foreign language (from French, Italian, or German) which I'll need for graduate school. After she told me she wouldn't recommend me adding another language right as I was learning Greek, she took that back after I told her I'd already taken four years of French in high school and I felt confident that everything would come back to me easily if I took an actual class (as opposed to studying independently). So she told me to go for it, and start with an easy class so I wouldn't forget anything and so I'd do well and boost my GPA up for grad school. She said we'd talk later, but that I should think about which ancient language and what specific area of Classics I want to specialize in. I already know I want Latin and I want to focus on ancient history-- Roman, obviously.

Days like this make me happy to be getting my nineteenth century education. hmmph!

+ King James is one ADORABLE baby. He looks SO much like Gavin. He has his nose and his mouth. ehehehe!! BABY!!

+ Caramel frapuccinos make everything better. :)

Okay, bye!

classics, major, finals, gwen stefani, school

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