Apr 23, 2006 02:36
I really don't want to write my paper for Writing 109. I really don't. I will, in the end, because I can't blow this class off since it's required for my major, but the topic of "Comedy" has quickly become boring. So far it's been too much theorizing the Why of laughter, which honestly, I don't care for. I don't care. Anyone who knows me knows I laugh a lot and loudly. Do I care why I do it? Not really. I laugh at weird things my dad says, I laugh at random things the Awesome Dept. does, I laugh when my favorite TA acts like a fool, I giggle at the very mention of Mr. Thewlis. Why? I don't care. I don't care why I think anything is funny, it just is. So I laugh.
What I do know, however, is that Charles Baudelaire (besides being on opium) was on crack. His essay on laughter is, in my opinion, a steaming pile of shite. He wastes half of it going on and on and on about The Fall and how laughter is a human weakness that came about after The Fall. He makes up some idiot girl named Virginie and shows that once her pure mind has been corrupted she will laugh, and he just loves mentioning how it all comes back to Satan.
The only point I even remotely agree with him on is that laughter stems from a feeling of superiority, and even then, he says that's the only reason anyone besides an innocent child laughs. I say bullshit. When random things happen and you laugh at them, where's the superiority in that? What the hell does superiority have to do with laughing at something witty or clever? I think Baudelaire said it was a sort of "Ah, I get it!" reaction, but I don't get all smug over my own cleverness when I "get" something. I'm too busy laughing. Sometimes it is from a feeling of superiority (hence why I watch crappy reality tv), but all the time? Give me a break, you dope head.
In conclusion, this essay will be shit, and I won't care.
I think this might be the most coherent, thought-provoking thing I've ever written in this journal.
edit: there is a small piece of what feels like bone sticking out of my gums.