(no subject)

Sep 11, 2008 21:02

I suppose I complete the circle. If there was a circle to begin with and not just a bunch of sporadic people appearing here from time to time from school. However, being that I have been a bit ... out of the loop ... there are many things that I am not certain of. For one, if Kyon has vanished as well as the likes of Nagato-san. All of my questions will be answered in time, I imagine.

For now...Suzumiya-san, Asahina-san, it's nice to see you both again. I trust that you've fared well in this place?

Furthermore, any friend of these two is a friend of mine. I look forward to meeting you. Especially any other espers since I'm afraid I am unable to contact the others. ...I don't suppose anyone has extra shelter to offer for the evening, do they?

[ OOC: Itsuki intro lyk woah. ;] ]
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