Nov 22, 2007 23:15
Alright, put this here...and mix a litte of this into here! And just complete the contents aaaaand THERE! A Healy C! Hey Misha, I didn't get to hear you idea about what to call this! Can you come here for a second to help me out?
Misha? Hey Misha can't you hear m-...
Well...THIS is different! Did everyone just leave while I was Grathmelding? They could have at least told me before hand...let's see. Sandy areas, water and some people around? This must be one of Nemo's floating island! That's strange, weren't we just in Platina though?
Whoa! Big bird creatures and people are tied together? What's going on? Is there a festival going on here? I didn't think the news of the Virus threat would spread THAT quickly!
((Island, meet Lyner. Lyner is one of the new members in our happy group. Play nice now!)