13 - Asjadlkfjlakjwelkafj why me?

Jun 22, 2007 20:50

First and foremost, to those who are concerned which I'm betting is several of you:

Yes, I'm aware that Yuuri was cursed and acting strangely, and yes, I have already personally seen to it that he has been changed back to normal. Unless you find it absolutely necessary to ask for any more information on that, this topic is closed.

But besides that, if anyone wants to have some pleasant conversation that doesn't, you know, require me to move, I'm all for it.

[PRIVATE. Hackable only to those who know him very well and are concerned, but NOT YUURI.]



[Um, yeah. Wolfram had a fairly bad run in with Yuuri on Yuuri's last post, resulting in, um... Wolfram being a bit sore for unmentionable reasons. Feel free to prod at him, but don't expect him to be cooperative. Also, Yuuri and Souji have my permission to threadhop here, since things got a little messy between you two.]
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