I’m already ina state of constant disbelief from asking for help.
Last time, I learned(from some egotistic psychologist) that depending on others will be your downfall.You cannot press F1 and expect people to appear so you have to beself-sufficient to survive.
GraphicsAwards is knocking in my doorstep yet I don’t have a piece that I can submit.Why? Of all the people I asked help from, I only got a bunch of NO’s, one even vanishedinto thin air, the one who supposedly committed in helping me for the wonderfulevent. Probably, this might be a sign that I should not even pursue joining.
Coincidentally,the homily yesterday was all about HELP. (Yeah, I got the chance to celebratemass for the unknown(th) time.)
The priestquoted a song from the famous band “The Beatles”(the band supposedly greaterthan JC himself.)
“Help me if you can, I'm feeling down
And I do appreciate you being round.
Help me, get my feet back on the ground,
Won't you please, please help me?”
The priestpointed out whoever we are, the rich or the poor, comes a point in our livesthat we do ask for help…from our parents or friends or even from a totalstranger. And in this time of need, we will find someone who will be willing togive time.
Such is aclassic case of SYNCHRONITY-the
experience of two or more
events which occur in a
meaningful manner, but which are
causally unrelated-(see Carl Jung). I never thought this would be the topic inchurch, hell, it could be something about God and his almighty whatevers, or JCand bringing the dead to life or some one-sided “good” news.
Probably mycry for help reached somewhere; if these beings can provide me something…theyhave to make it quick, I’m actually losing my mind thinking where to look forhelp.
On otherobservations, What is it with people in churches? I may not be believing in the Catholic god or a good rolemodel for all things good and holy but at least I respect the mass. I saw a lot ofpeople texting, talking, and laughing around. Some were not even listening.
Why go tochurch when you’re not even willing to listen or celebrate the mass?
pardon typos and errors. and no quotes for the moment