Aug 21, 2005 09:50
Dear Everybody,
So theres no roomate yet, I've got the whole dorm room to myself for now. My parents are bringing over my surfboards and a flat screen tv that my cousins are giving to me since they dont use it. theyre the best. Ive also got a campus phone number so if anyone wants to call or leave me a message, the number is 904 256 8020. leave me some funny stuff. My parents leave to day too, well everyones for that matter, its 'The Final Luncheon' it almost sounds like a bad horror movie. I almost died of hunger last night, it felt like my stomach was shrinking into nothing, so I stole my roommates cnady that his group leader left him. I saved him his laffy taffy though, Im not pure evil. Lots of brew floating around last night too, lots of older guys and freshmen girls from what I heard from my friends roommate, lame for sure. I saw Sin City last night which was a freaking sweet flick, not many other ways to describe it. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaand these dorm rooms are pretty hot unless youre 3 feet away form your fan. Have a great day.
Richmond A. Jones