Sep 29, 2005 15:19
1. I love bolding.
2. I know someone named Mimi
3. I hate my old best friend
4. My favorite alcoholic drink is Jack n Coke
5. I have a digital camera
6. I'm talking to at least one person online
7. I like watching college basketball
8. I have never moved.
9. I have at least one cat
10. I have at least one dog
11. I'm going to see a movie tonight
12. I make my own AIM icons.
13. I'm in pain.
14. I watch more than five shows a day
15. I love the Cure LOVE THEM TO DEATH!!!! favorite song is lovecats <33
16. My parents like some of the same music I do
17. I have never been to the dentist.
18. I listen to the radio.
19. I do my own laundry.
20. I've made at least one article of clothing
21. I have/want something on my face pierced
22. I go to at least one concert a week
23. I've written a story.
24. I've dyed my hair every color of the rainbow
25. I own a Grand Theft Auto game
26. My favorite pattern is camoflauge
27. I know someone who does/did cocaine
28. I have too many game systems
29. I love scary movies
30. I hate scary movies
31. I've had sex more than 5 times
32. My favorite chips are Lays Original
33. I think butter is unhealthy
34. I hate the Osbournes
35. I used to have dreadlocks
36. I need to take medicine for something
37. I suffer from insomnia
38. I speak ebonics.
39. I've gambled
40. And won
41. I have at least one gay friend
42. I like going to pet stores
43. I own a dog toy
44. And I don't have a dog
45. I own more than ten candles.
46. I've smoked a cigarette in the shower before
47. I've flunked a class.
48. I listen to music every day. 24/7
49. I have more than one nickname
50. I wear pajamas
51. I'm wearing more than one jewelry item
52. I haven't washed my hair in a week.
53. I watch the Grammy's every year
54. Along with the Macy's Parade
55. My favorite season is winter
56. I have seen the All American Rejects live. no but swing swing is on right now <333
57. And I've enjoyed it.
58. Boobs are nothing special they're fucking annoyances, thats what they are.
59. I go swimming at least once a week in summer.
60. I have/had a pool.
61. I've gone skinny dipping. when i was like 4.
62. I've played strip poker
63. And lost
64. I want a nautical star tattoo
65. My cell phone turns off when it's charging
66. And it pisses me off
67. I used to buy my entire wardrobe from Hot Topic
68. I've been to
69. My favorite subject is History.
70. And/or math.
71. I am a republican
72. I am a democrat
73. I listen to the Used.
74. I have been to the Warped Tour
75. I am part Mexican
76. I am part German
77. All of my grandparents are still alive.
78. I believe in anarchy
79. I love bowling
80. I know that there is a South Park, Colorado.
81. I love Dairy Queen
82. Sometimes I think I'm crazy
83. I own a Moffatts CD
84. I own a Backstreet Boys CD.... no i dont
85. I want plastic surgery
86. Operation, operation, snip and tie, snip and tie.
87. I know what song that line is from.
88. I have killed something
89. I've never had a Nokia cell phone
90. I'm never sarcastic yes, thats me. the one who NEVER uses heavy sarcasm =]
91. Light eyes turn me on they dont "turn me on", but i think they're gorgeous.
92. I have never been to a foreign country.
93. I don't eat enough.
94. I own illegal weaponry
95. I know someone who has overdosed on something
96. And lived to tell about it
97. I don't own a pair of mittens
98. I love the heat
99. I've never had a steady boyfriend.
100. I want to makeout. right now.
01. I'm single.
02. I love the color blue.
03. Shopping is FUN! no, but chillin at the mall is.
04. I love Rent!
05. I think gay marriage should be approved.
06. I'm obsessed with musical theater.
07. I enjoy scrapbooking.
08. I love the color pink. coughcough hate.
09. I love to wear sandals
10. I love hugs.
11. I like to take pictures.
12. I am a blonde.
13. I like root beer.
14. I love to drink water.
15. I'm a drama queen.
16. I love dark chocolate.
17. My best friend is exactly like me.
18. I'm going to New York soon. ART CLUB!!
19. I love Finding Nemo
20. I love going to concerts.
21. I'm going to the Tony awards
22. I need to apply myself more.
23. I know that I need more sleep
24. I hate needles
25. I love Reese's!
26. I would never get a tattoo.
27. I'm taking piano lessons.
28. I'm going to be a junior in Sept.
29. I always take showers.
30. I love to swim.
31. I want to travel
33. I hate being bored
34. I'm too lazy!
35. I love to watch Friends
36. I love American Idol.
37. I'd rather have a small group of close friends than a large group of friends that I didn't know all that well.
38. I love Degrassi
39. I'm in chorus at school.
40. Getting new things is always fun.
41. I love giving gifts.
42. I enjoy receiving them as well
43. I'm loud in some classes and quiet in others.
44. I love watching movies.
45. I am very crazy at times.
46. I love messages.
47. I make money by performing in musicals.
48. I hate social studies.
49. I like aol. CORRECTION:: HATE!!
50. I love using the computer.
51. I think too much. i think about emotional/social things, not school.
52. Math is useless. some of it is.
53. I love to write and type random things.
54. I eat too much junk food.
55. Moulin Rouge makes me cry.
56. My favorite movie is Waiting for Guffman.
57. I have a sister.
58. I like to sing.
59. I also like to act.
60. I want to be famous!
61. I have a GPA of 4.0.
62. I scare people sometimes.
63. I love the Disney Channel
64. I hate it when people judge others.
65. I love watching tv.
66. I miss Boy Meets World.
67. I just quit soccer.
68. I've been to every American Idol concert.
69. I go to Ravinia all the time.
70. I'm listening to Radio AOL.
71. I love listening to music.
72. I like to read.
73. I have blue eyes.
74. I love wearing skirts.
75. I love pets
76. I love ice cream.
77. I hate school. (certain aspects at least)
78. I like to talk.
79. Guys are confusing.
80. I love the 80s.
81. I'd love to have the money to buy things for people for no reason at all.
82. I love the 90s
83. I enjoy being single.
84. I love Ed Debevics.
85. I want to live in NYC.
86. I wake up at 5 on school days. i'm supposed to... but i dont.
87. I would love to visit the Mall of America.
88. I already went through braces
89. I love shopping at Kohls.
90. I always listen to music in the car.
91. I hate when people are mean.
92. If I leave my hair to dry it goes curly/wavy
93. I don't like pop music.
94. I'd do anything for my friends. my true ones at least.
95. I live for the summer.
96. My hero is Jonathan Larson.
97. I love both of my parents sometimes.
98. My sign is Aries.
99. I hate Hillary Duff.
100. I love recieving e-mail's/ims/lj Comments.
01. My hair is still its natural color
02. I have yet to lose my virginity
03. I get annoyed when I don't get to finish telling a story.
04. I like to wear pink.
05. Sometimes I wish I could do something really well.
06. I drink a lot of water.
07. I've never taken a hit of a cigarette.
08. I like musicians.
09. I'm such a health freak.
10. I love taking pictures.
11. I have really tiny wrists.
12. I can identify some close friends by smell.
13. I'm far too nice. HELL NO
14. I hate when people confuse "your" and "you're"
15. I think dorkiness is attractive (on some people, it depends)
16. I've never had a fake screen name.
17. I wish I had a pug.
18. I miss middle school.
19. I have pretty good eating habits. nope. not at all.
20. I have a hard time making up my mind.
21. I wish my hair naturally curled.
22. I can't live without chapstick.
23. I wish I could sing.
24. I like classical music.
25. Striped pants are hot.
26. I think Schylar is a really cool name
27. I usually don't get sarcasm.
28. I wish I could look in a mirror and constantly be satisfied with myself.
29. I shift between being sleepy and awake when I'm really tired.
30. I hardly ever vaccum.
31. I hate racism and nazis.
32. I want someone to hold me.
33. I like watermelon flavored things.
34. I'm a snob about grammar.
35. I am a terrible liar
36. Axe deoderant smells WONDERFUL.
37. I wish I knew how to speak in Italian.
38. I tried to kiss a member of the opposite sex when I was in kindergarten.
40. I have no idea what my school musical is about.
41. I appreciate honesty.
42. I need a manicure.
43. I love Dr. Pepper.
44. I twirl my hair
45. I like kissing.
46. I don't own a cellphone.
47. I want to learn to play the harp.
48. I'm not old enough to vote.
49. I live in the past far too much.
50. I need to remember to be a teenager sometimes.
51. I want to see most of the world.
52. Sometimes I wonder what's going on in other parts of the world.
53. I hate being lied to.
54. I believe in a thing called love. (( JUST LISTEN TO THE RYTHM OF MY HEART))
55. I go shopping usually once a week.
56. Today is Wednesday.
57. I've read more than a 100 books.
58. I hate hearing songs that sacrifice meaning for the sake of being able to rhyme.
59. I like feet.
60. Jesse McCartney is hott. NOOOO
61. I want the world to see me.
62. I think it's funny when girls wear so much makeup that their faces become incandescent.
63. I hate seeing kids that think they're different because they like Slipknot and shop at Hot Topic. UMM, people dont think they're different when they do that. you stupid faces are the ones that label them.
64. I have a fear of wearing too much perfume.
65. I wear pants more than I wear shorts.
66. I am tactful most of the time.
67. I'm afraid of spiders. i think spiders are gorgeous.
68. I get too attached to some people.
69. I'm usually on time. i'm always late.
70. I forgive but I don't forget.
71. I think way too much for my own good.
72. My current relationship is teaching me a lot.
73. I like salads from McDonalds.
74. I read for at least two hours every night before bed.
75. I talk to a lot of people I don't like because I hate being rude.
76. I sing in the shower.
77. Funny guys turn me on.
78. I wish I were asleep.
79. I love Reeses peanut butter cups.
80. I never have enough energy.
81. I have a friend who has an outtie belly button.
82. I have driven a car.
83. There is no nailpolish on my nails.
84. I am unafraid to change, but I don't think I realize the boundary between change and utter transformation.
85. I wear brown, thin-rimmed glasses.
86. Goodbyes make me sad. all the time. even when i know i'll see them the next day. because theres always the chance that they wont be there tomorrow.
87. Cold Stone is so much better than Baskin Robbins!
88. I love cuddling.
89. I run when I'm bored.
90. I wish I were more attractive to other people.
91. I worry too much sometimes about what people think.
92. I'm a billion times better than I was in junior high school. A BILlION TIMES WORSE!!!
93. Compliments make me happy. SOMETImES, because occasionally people lie.
94. I like long car rides with certain people.
95. I hate when people incorrectly label me.
96. I wonder a lot who I'm going to end up marrying. all the time.
97. I listen to the things no one else cares about.
98. I can't draw from imaginiation.
99. TyPiNg LIeK diS anNoyes mEeeh.
1. I own a ferret.
2. My best friend is my boyfriend
3. My best friend is a girl LMFFE!!!
4. I use the word super way too much
5. I am a boy
6. I like My Chemical Romance. the old CD. new one basically killed them.
7. I own more than 100 CDs. waaay more.
8. I like discussing politics
9. I collect state quarters
10. The Legend of Zelda is my favorite video game.
11. I have Cingular
12. I love MAC makeup
13. I smoke too much..
14. I own more than 5 bandanas BEMENT <33
15. My favorite movie is Kill Bill its one of my favorits at least.
16. I watched Lamb Chop when I was young. yeah. i have lambchop slippers, and i have a dog name hush puppy, a charlie horse, and a lamb named lamb chop. i was obsessed.
17. I have my ears gauged only a 14 so far, what they heck. used to be a 10, but mom made me stop.
18. I can do HTML without guidance somewhat
19. I watch Spongebob Squarepants regularly.
20. I go to the movies at least once a week
21. I play guitar or bass bass!
22. I love Elvis
23. I've had a mo/bi/trihawk before
24. I have met my favorite band
25. I like to hardcore dance most definately!!!
26. Something's outside my window
27. I believe in ghosts
28. I do drugs regularly
29. I am straightedge
30. My favorite feature about myself is my lips
31. I have never consumed alcohol
32. I want a tattoo
33. My favorite actor is Will Ferrell.
34. I have seen Conan O'Brien live.
35. I hate MTV
36. I used to watch Cheaters every week
37. I have my own vaccuum
38. Frank Sinatra is awesome
39. I sleep with a stuffed animal
40. I am scared of werewolves
41. I watch hockey regularly
42. I am originally from New York
43. I own an iPod
44. Some people aren't funny.
45. I hate school.
46. My favorite vegetable is lettuce.
47. Tickle fights are fun.
48. I am currently unemployed... does reffing count?? under 8s. heck yes.
49. I have my lisence.
50. I hate spelling mistakes.
51. I love Spanish class.
52. I live in a big city
53. I have been to the Grand Canyon
54. I listen to music to fall asleep ALWAYS
55. I watch TV to fall asleep
56. I only get a few hours of sleep each night yeah, try like 3 hours.
57. I'm relatively innocent.
58. I am a size 3 or smaller
59. I'm bored.
60. Purple is my favorite color.
61. I hate flossing
62. I have a car.
63. I believe in God.........NO
64. I'm in love.
65. I used to love Unwritten Law.
66. Reno 911 is my favorite show.
67. There is a mini stapler on my computer desk.
68. Cuddling's my favorite.
69. For sure.
70. I have a flip phone
71. I love my handwriting
72. I own a Louis Vuitton handbag
73. I want to be an astronaut.
74. I love the song Dragostea Din Tei
75. 50 Cent is not talented.
76. I like scanners better than digital cameras.
77. I own at least one Punk-O-Rama CD i own 5 to be precise.
78. My room is sound proof.
79. I'm 5'5 or less5'2"
80. Lying pisses me off
81. I backstab people.
82. I have been in a fist fight.
83. I have PaintShop Pro.
84. It's almost midnight
85. My nightlight is cracked
86. I only listen to Dashboard Confessional when I'm sad I LISTEN TO DASHBOARD WHENEVER I WANT, I LISTEN TO ALL SORTS OF ARTISTS WHEN I'M SAD!!!
87. And I feel like a pansy when I do so
88. I hate metal
89. I'm in a band.
90. Napoleon Dynamite is annoying now. only when people constantly quote it. constantly.
91. I love hickeys
92. I want to lose weight
93. My favorite channel is the Food Network.
94. I don't have a CD burner.
95. Pixar is stupid except for the Incredibles
96. I own an apartment/house
97. I am engaged.
98. My computer's a Gateway.
99. I hate driving.
100. I like watching boys sleep.