Apr 17, 2004 16:08
yea so things rock the world kinda right now.. i've learned that making a pro and con list at times tends to help .. well it helps me at least.. so heres my pro and cons list for this week, i'll do cons first so when i do the pros ill feel better! ^_^
1. Erin hates me..doesnt surprise me but its stupid bc shes nice to my face and then she talks shit behind my back.. what a friend everyone..
2. Kristin is in between hating me and loving me.. bc im annoying but she loves me to death hmm.. do best friends count as best friends if they cant decide whether they like you or not??
3. Krystal hates me.. o well.. i dont think thats a con.. scratch that...X
4. Matt almost got kicked out of the Y last night. long story.. quite pointless actually
5. Nikki has been feeling down lately. i love you nikki.. feel better!^^
6. Trevor seemed different friday at drama.. a little down.. im scared for him.. i dont know what to do or think right now about it..
7. Jakob got in an accident not a huge everyone died kinda one just a little oopsy i hit the front end of another car kinda accident. it still sucked though eeks!
now for the pros! yay!
1. Im madly in love with this kid matt from the Y last night.. omg hes so amazing *sigh*
2. Last night was so fucking god damn awesome n a half times 2! i have so many new friends and is saw ppl i've missed! it was the greatest.. im so happy when im there.
3. Chris is awesome i heart him! hes my new best friend! hes a chubby white boy (Hey amanda! im black and have Double D's! hug me not him!) lol had to be there to understand ya know?
4. adam/ryan/maria and dimitri/karen rock!(they didnt tell me their real names for some reason lol i was like so ryan and this one kid was like ..but i thought your name was adam? i was like its maria now! lol same with dimitri)
5. Jenn and i are going to go boyscouting!^^
6. Colin wants my mom lol inside joke haha
7. either Halie or Lauren one of them is gonna make a juice box purse!! ^^ *super smiles* hehehe its so cool
8. I got a gillion hugs last night! and i met this kid named joe! (ALL HAIL JOES SHOES!) they have springies on them! hehehe
ok well.. the pros make me happy and thats all the matters! i hope the cons get better too! welp gotta jet im out
Manda Panda (hehehe)