May 25, 2007 22:13
So I was bored and sitting in front of a computer today when i dropped by that good old website wikipedia. WIkipedia, as we all know, is a pretty cool site. That alone however, is not why I'm journaling. What is pretty amazing is that they have an entry for Utica College, and that entry lists notable alumni. Now as you all know, I'm a pretty humble guy, so i didn't expect to see my name in the section next to congressman Boehlert or a successful literature professor at Duke University, but my humility turned out to be unfounded, cause there I was in red letters. I must admit, it was pretty cool. It's funny because just this morning at MCdonalds, Cormican was telling me that everyone else toots my horn so much that it was his job to bring me down a notch by telling me how much of a screw up I am. I didn't agree at all. At the time I thought that my horn isn't overly tooted, but after seeing the Wikipedia entry I must confess that my head has inflated ever so slightly. I finally have enough self-esteem to pursue my dream. What dream is that you ask, why only the best dream ever, to be the first bear hunting ninja/best selling novelist/PhD of psychology/ all around awesome dude who is cooler than all of his friends give him credit for and has accomplished so much despite the weirdness of his family. Yeah, onward to phase one of my plan. I will begin my ninja training tonight. That's all I've got, peace out people.
P.S. Have a good trip Rayn Man, me will miss you.