(no subject)

Mar 12, 2007 11:41

It's weird being on campus when no one else is. I came to school so that i could attend to my beloved salamanders and of course, work out. Thus far, I've been half successful. The working out part was easy, but I saw good old Dr. Cormican and a quick hello somehow lead to a 45 minute conversation in which we discussed my inherent disregard for authority figures and overall rebelliousness. I swear, my psych professors don't analyze me that much. Anyway, as a result, I don't really feel like working with my salamanders anymore, which is obviously a bad thing. I guess I'll have to double up tomorrow or something. Anyway, I think I'll go home and take a nap before I go see 300 again. Yeah I know I saw it yesterday but good (and yes, remarkably odd movies) deserve multiple viewings. I just checked the numbers by the way, and the film grossed over 70 million in it's opening weekend, a very impressive showing given that Sin City, Frank Miller's last movie only made about that much (Yeah I care way too much about movies). Anyway, as one who knows me might have expected, me am hungry now, so I is about to go eats me some food. It'll be delicious too, fo' shizzle. Peace out people.
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