My life is a sitcom

Oct 27, 2007 15:59

What's up people?

I remember the first time that I saw the movie "The Truman Show" I questioned whether or not something like that could happen to me. For the most part, I have accepted that the weirdness that is my life is just odd coincidence, but sometimes I wonder. I don't know if you all know this, but I now work the morning shift, so I open the gym at 5:30 every morning. It's pretty freaking annoying but what can you do? I wasn't loving getting up so early, (I have to get up at 4:00 in order to eat, shower and walk to work) but I was okay with not having to take care of the kid which was slowly getting frustrating. Anyway, the other day a coworker confided in me that she was quitting and I asked why. She told me that AT&T was hirnig people for customer service and paying them like 10 bucks an hour with no experience, and more if you had some. All you had to do was go through like 4 weeks of paid training and take a typing test. I fought the urge to laugh, and then I told her that I wasn't all that interested in customer service. She quit, and this is the part where things are really bizarre. I had to fill in for her a couple of times, but she didn't work the front desk like I did. What did she do you ask? She was in charge of the Bally's daycare. So instead of being at home and taking care of my nephew which is kind of what I moved here to do, I instead watched a bunch of hyperactive children fight over a toy guitar while their parents worked out. Yeah, that's my life.

So when I'm not at work or sleeping, we spend time with my bro's inlaws. Both his brother in law and sister in law live here, so there is a great deal of interaction. For those of you who don't know, my bro's name is actually yusuf. His birthday is February 23. I only bring this up because in what may be the most bizarre coincidence ever, my sister in law's sister married a guy named Yusuf (spells it with a ph though) who has the same birthday. Less coincidential but probably even more funny, the guy's last name is yusuf also. He's a cool guy, so I don't mind him, but still, what are the chances!?!

As much as I like talking about my family, let's be for real, I like talking about myself more. Lol, totally half joking there. I have totally reinvented myself at work. You guys will all find this hard to believe, but they consider me one of the hardest workers at Bally's. One of my superiors was talking about how I should get some sort of employee of the month award, which is just hilarious to me. To be fair, my job is pretty much just talking to people, so of course I'm going to own at that. I never shut up. Still though, it's pretty weird. I show up to work early, I work hard at being extra friendly (something the other front desk people don't do), and I actually stop people who arent members from getting in. Apparently that makes me a super hard worker. I can't stop laughing. I'm writing a book about a guy who lives a fake life, while working at a job where the people think I'm a freakishly hard worker. I can't be living the Truman show becase no one writes like this.
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