My mother is a fish.

Nov 19, 2006 17:04

Okay, this is going to be a long entry, that's what I have decided.

A few entries ago I said I was going to start a real journal, and that didn't really work out because I'm not committed nor do I have time to really do anything creative.

Maybe over a long break, like Christmas, or definitely summer, I'll actually do something productive. Even though I probably won't since I'll most likely just sit in front of the computer the whole time. Just as I am right now.

So I think I have A's in all my classes for the 2nd six weeks because I am a geniusssssss. And because I take advantage of extra credit and shit.

I have two days of school this upcoming week and then I'm off for break.

This weekend has been daaaank.
Friday I went to the Cat Power concert with Austin.
It was pretty unbeatable, really.
The opening act, Memphis Rhythm Band was really chill, kind of jazzy.
And Cat Power was soo great. I love her. Love. Love.
She's so cute and funny and DRUNK. Like, she unbuttoned her pants and was just chillin with her underwear showing.
And, of course, it was all even better because I went with Austin, and we have a fabulous time together.

Oh, and he made me another mix.
He's done a lot of good for my iPod.

Saturday I went shopping with mommy and hung out with Meegie and Rachael for a bit.


Okay so I think I'm going to get some homework done now.
Later I might do a Christmas update, listing the millions of things I expect to see under the tree on Christmas morning.

because Christmas IS about the presents, god dammit.
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