Wooohooo!! First Post!

Jun 28, 2009 18:05

Wow, Im SO lost here. I joined LJ to be a part of Sort of Beautiful. I joined so that my pals would stop looking at me like I was a freak when i told them I didnt have a LJ. :P I love making graphics, something I got a hang of, just a few months ago, and I'd love to be able to share those here. And Im here to make new friends. :)

I absolutely love myself...
For all the power and prestige
I dont possess.
And for all the dreadful mess...
that my life so often seems.
Especially when my friends leave,
just when i need them.
And for all the moods that people hate.
For all my needs, that of late
have been bugging others.
For all my losses...For all my dreams,
that never came true.
For all the pain I had to live through...
But most of all...
For that heart
that made me love this hateful self.

hah! That should scare you guys away! :P

poems, first post

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