
Feb 16, 2013 03:09

First batch in over a year. Eep.

Do people even want icons for LJ anymore?

01 - 24: Supernatural (Season 8)


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textures, supernatural, dean/castiel is ruining my life, icons, you should show castiel some respect

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pyjamagurl February 15 2013, 22:18:32 UTC
I just bought back all my icon space, so YAAAAAAY new Dean/Cas icons :D

These are awesome. And I miss you <33


i_rise_inside February 15 2013, 22:26:44 UTC
YOUUUUUUU! <33333 I miss you too, hun, I should follow you on my SPN tumblr, that way I'll get to blather at you about Dean/Cas all day every day.

And I have so much free icon space, not enough icons I like. Woe.


pyjamagurl February 15 2013, 22:59:17 UTC
Oooh you have an SPN tumblr too? I will happily blether about Dean/Cas with you all day every day :D <33

I have a lot of Teen Wolf Icons and SPN ones at the moment, and a whole bunch of pretty stock ones, I still have a bunch of space to fill up too :D


i_rise_inside February 18 2013, 17:13:23 UTC
It's the one I linked in this post. I made a new tumblr for my Dean/Cas flailing, things were getting a little awkward, with a few of my real life friends following me on my main tumblr. It was getting harder to explain my obsession with a certain inter-species homosexual one true pairing.

I'm glad you like them, hun, thank you! <33


pyjamagurl February 18 2013, 21:15:08 UTC
Ah okay, thanks xD I admit, I don't have any real life friends following me on tumblr so I don't have that problem! Well, I have my friend Adam from Lousiana but he mostly ignores me and my Teen Wolf flailing xD But yeah, I understand :)


i_rise_inside February 23 2013, 17:18:43 UTC
I try not to be concerned about it, everyone has something they are total, embarrassing idiots about - and Dean/Cas is mine, but I did want a bigger (and exclusive) space for it.

Also, it's been days I added you, and I cannot, for the life of me, figure out when you get online. Booo. :(


pyjamagurl February 23 2013, 23:17:07 UTC
Understandable :)

Oh, that's weird. I'm on most evenings, though getting on Tumblr is sometimes taking me longer. Sorry I've been missing you! You can send asks if you wish, and I'll try to get my butt on when you're about xD


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