
Feb 16, 2013 03:09

First batch in over a year. Eep.

Do people even want icons for LJ anymore?

01 - 24: Supernatural (Season 8)


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textures, supernatural, dean/castiel is ruining my life, icons, you should show castiel some respect

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sherrilina February 15 2013, 21:49:07 UTC
Definitely could always use more icons--one of the sad parts about everyone going to Tumblr is that it's harder to find good icons...good to see you, hon! *hug* Love the coloring on these...


i_rise_inside February 15 2013, 22:03:55 UTC
Thank youuuu! It is, isn't it? I think people spend more time making gifs and stuff for tumblr now. :/

And good to see you too, my dear, hope things are well with you! *hugs*


twisting_vine_x February 15 2013, 23:40:15 UTC
Re: everyone leaving to go to tumblr... just gonna drop in to leave this here.


Multi-fandom friending meme, with literally thousands of comments. I've met some absolutely amazing people through here. :)


i_rise_inside February 18 2013, 17:02:14 UTC
Ah, it is a great relief to know that not everyone's abandoned LJ, and I really want to pop in there, find some more like-minded people, but I am absolutely terrible at friending memes, they make me so nervous lol. But thanks for the link anyway, maybe I'll be able to muster up enough courage to visit. :3


twisting_vine_x February 18 2013, 19:20:26 UTC
Hee! Well, I hope you do pop in. I've met some phenomenal people through there (seriously, I have 70+ new folks on my journal... I had to make a damn spreadsheet to keep track of everyone XD), and they're all absolutely lovely and incredibly friendly and welcoming. :)


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