friends cut.

Aug 31, 2011 00:36

you know how it works, if you can't see this, you've been cut. please feel free to de-friend me if you want to. no hard feelings, i hope. good luck. :)

if i have accidently cut you, or you think you should remain on my list, feel free to leave a comment here.

the rest of you, I LOVE! you all are the best! in a time where you can choose to be impersonal and not give a fuck and just stare, scroll and reblog robotically, you guys care and comment and deal with me and my multiple messes and just...

ps: i have a shit ton of comments to get back to, and i will i promise (no really, i swear, Amy!) it's just that everytime i get online at night, i'm like

v is incapable of posting without gifs, friends cut!, v is dead on her feet, v adores her f-list, tumblr is evol

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