(no subject)

Jul 20, 2011 02:31

1 - 12: X- Men: First Class
13 - 19: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Pt.2
20 - 35: True Blood (403/404)
36 - 42: Glee (206)













  • Do not hotlink, it kills my poor little photobucket.
  • Please comment if you grab (or like) anything. It makes me happy!
  • Credit is appreciated.

Resources. The First Class caps are by the amazing dialectical & oxoniensis.

pam will eat fuck & kill you, kurt/karofsky: you'll wait for me right?, what is my life?, eric makes me hot, friendship and bravery and - harmony, sex:men, brokeback mutants, eric/sookie: it's not just the blood, true blood, see that? its called otp, gleeeeee!, icons, harry potter

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