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i_rise_inside October 8 2010, 20:12:19 UTC
Way too much! :p

Gah, that sucks. And how can you wait for a week?! D: *hugs*

If the stream doesnt work, I'll download it, and watch it at work or something lolol!


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i_rise_inside October 8 2010, 20:20:18 UTC
Yeah, thats how I watched all of S5.

Hmm yeah, its great that some channel does... but you should download and watch it before that too. I cant imagine waiting a week for THIS episode lol!


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i_rise_inside October 8 2010, 20:31:51 UTC
I KNEW IT LOLOL! No one can wait that long. :P *huggles*


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i_rise_inside October 8 2010, 20:36:57 UTC
Gah I mustve missed that lolol! Sorry, im so scatter-brained right now!

Ahh, that I missed, I downloaded it! Such a masterpiece that was though bwahahaha!



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i_rise_inside October 8 2010, 20:46:57 UTC
Terrible lolol! But Misha was so pretyyyy! <3

I will never get why he did that movie.


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i_rise_inside October 8 2010, 20:59:42 UTC
Yeah, he got lucky with SPN. Its sad, cuz he is truly a good actor, I wish he'd do some good stuff, you know.

Karla was a mistake, but Manny, I LOVED lolol!


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