Dear Alan Ball,

Aug 24, 2010 16:09



But then Eric ruins it all, with some Bill-level douchebaggery. WTF.

And if you guys have read the spoilers, or seen the nest episode's trailer, you know its going to get worse, honestly, if they want to wreck Eric like that, please expose some of Bill's fuckery too. But no, he will come out looking like a hero. Just wait and see.

Eric is no saint, he does want to get into Sookie's pants (he's made that plenty clear), and he would use her (not denying that), but he wouldnt do this, (he chained her like a fucking animal wtf) not before talking to her, and trying to convince her to help him. Not that it wouldve helped, cuz show!Sookie is dumb as fuck. Anyway, say what you want, but Eric respects her. And has honest feelings for her. Notice how he doesnt get a fang boner when they kissed. I hate the show for not translating his character at all.

I just hope its all Eric's plan to get rid of Russell, and that Bill is in on it, which would explain that little argument they had about "telling Sookie the truth".

Eric being ~sensual makes me hot and tingle all over! And just fucking admit it Sookie, you have ~feelings for this hunky viking.

Oh and look what I found on google.

Oh dear god.  *__*

v smells bullshit, pure sex, fu alan ball & your beeel boner, v is fucking pissed, wtf, v is dying of flail, v'll be in her bunk, true blood, fandom has made me bipolar, eric makes me hot, v is drooling copiously, v is incapable of posting without gifs, eric/sookie: it's not just the blood, rants, v wants to shoot someone, my heart it aches, i haz a hard on for tom hardy, fail fail fail

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