Aug 07, 2010 02:49


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did you see the new SPN spoiler? )

v is stuck in capslock, omg, epic shit, win win win, random entry is random, v is dying of flail, videos, lolz, v cant control teh emotions, jensen/misha has corrupted me

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Comments 16

fate_incomplete August 6 2010, 22:41:27 UTC
lol I may have loved that vid a little too much to.

hmmm angel friend??? wait and see on that one, could be good....

ok the Neal gif is is a little mesmerising or maybe thats just me..

Also happy birthday hun!!!


i_rise_inside August 7 2010, 08:33:31 UTC
LOL, I laughed till I cried! jealous!Jensen is awesome...

It could be great, I wont deny, I just hate anything that could take away from Dean/Cas, you know. Now this angel dude and Cas will be having staring contests...

It is. He is such a dork! <3

Aw, thankies hun! *huggles*


fate_incomplete August 7 2010, 11:31:15 UTC
Jealous!Jensen is awesome...tempting me to read more fic...

I like the idea of Castiel having an angel ally but yeah hope the staring contests remain a Dean & Cas thing, though more of Castiel's backstory will be great.

hee Neal is such a dork, so damn adorable.


i_rise_inside August 7 2010, 16:22:40 UTC
Im surprised there hasnt been much fic about that kiss moment so far....

Yes, thats why Im excited about this, getting to know more about Cas and heaven and other angels would be awesome. S5 cheated us out of it. I just need DC to remain the same, and I know its not going to happen. :(


(The comment has been removed)

i_rise_inside August 7 2010, 08:31:07 UTC
Ive been tempted before. Not srs bsns, but all in fun, crack-y way. And Jared/Misha make it really hard to ignore lol.

I agree, it has the potential to be really good, Cas' storyline will be independent of the brothers, and so we will see more of him, other than when the Winchesters need their asses saved. And yeah, we get to know more about his background, and 420, when he went to Bible camp. And I do enjoy his interactions with other angels.

Im worried only cuz Dean and Cas will be too wrapped up in their storylines to care about each other. Im afraid DC will be lost in all this. :( And I dont like the idea of there being another character, who we know nothing about, has never been mentioned, and are supposed to buy, has always been on our side... Its like the show shoving "you should love him, he stood up for Cas!" down our throats.

LOL that would be fun. And Im sure most of us will be shipping Cas/Balthazar. :P


pyjamagurl August 7 2010, 12:42:09 UTC
That last sentence of yours is blasphemy just so you know ;)


i_rise_inside August 7 2010, 16:20:14 UTC
Lolol, its inevitable, we ship Cas with trenchcoat and cellphone and burgers!!!


pyjamagurl August 7 2010, 12:40:20 UTC
LMAO! Poor Jensen ;) *huggles* I accidentally read a Jared/Misha fic the other just wasn't the same...I love Jensen/Misha too much for that xD ha ha!

I just read about Cas' angel friend...I dunno how I feel about it. I very much liked that Dean and Cas were each other's first real friends and even if Balthazar is Cas' acquaintance I still hold that Dean was his first real friend... *huggles* I do like that Cas has an angel ally though...but it really can't be all a good thing if Balty is rogue just like he was...still I am intrigued as to where they are going with it...but Balty doesn't replace Dean! *hopes*

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! *huggles some more*

... )


i_rise_inside August 7 2010, 16:19:24 UTC
I love them, and I love Jared, but I just cannot read fic about them, I am totally Jensen/Misha.

What you said exactly. Dean was Cas' ONLY friend. I dont mind him having an angel ally, shady or not, but Im not ready to buy that these guys were besties or something. :/

*huglesses and smoochies* Thanks hun! <33 And aw, CONFETTI, ITS A PARADE! I love it so hard lol.


pyjamagurl August 7 2010, 16:32:38 UTC
I clicked on it thinking it was Jensen/Misha...then quickly realised it wasn' poor brain...Jensen/Misha remains my love! I love Jared and Misha too but nah, Jensen/Mish pwns *nods*

It would be wholly unbelievable if they did that. And I rather dislike this feel of Dean-has-a-girlfriend-so-Cas-needs-an-angel-buddy like that's going to make us like Dean/Cas less or something?

I do have a present in store for you, hopefully I will finish it today so you get it on your birthday! Having a good day so far?//any plans? xD

High Quality BJs (cos its your birthday, doy) and Misha running away from Jared as stolen from tracey_loo_who...

... )


i_rise_inside August 8 2010, 10:21:29 UTC
*highfive* Jensen/Misha = OTP

Exactly, they're giving both of them distractions, other people to stick to... I really dont see how there'll be any Dean/Cas in S6! :(

Thanks again hun! *loves on you* I was at work, so that was dull, but I did have a great night, you know a littel about that. :P

The epicness that those gifs are, gah! *flails*

Random, but I wonder why Misha starts to grin and then goes all serious in the blowjob gif!


martuu August 8 2010, 07:38:57 UTC
Muajajaja, I LOVE the videos you always re-post ♥ I think Sam/Cas doesn't make any sense, but I STARTING TO LIKE JARED/MISHA OMGGGG! :D *0* LOL, it seems like no pairing will ever suck for me.

SASSY people don't have to get angry with this! It's obvious that the vidder ships Cas/Dean... but the video shows has a lot of SASSY content xD

I ignored the spoiler :)


i_rise_inside August 8 2010, 10:25:31 UTC
Heee, im glad you love them! ♥ Jared and Misha are amazing, you cant NOT love them! <33

But Jensen/Misha is my OTP. :P

Good idea lol. ;)


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