The EPIC-est gay couple on tv!!

Oct 05, 2009 03:43

So Ive been a John Paul/Craig fan for a while now. But after months of having my brain hijacked by my Jacob/Bella obsession, my McDean love is coming back to me. I just discovered the JP/C thread on FF, and getting to talk about them is making me remember how truly awesome their storyline was. The angst, the jealousy, the heat, the pain, the longing, all of it, was just brilliant.

Oh and btw, Craig isnt really gay, he's, uhm, JP oriented, lmao! Thats the thing I love about their story. Craig fancied girls, but it was JP he was in love with. Just shows that you fall in love with the person. One doesnt become gay, if they love a person of the same sex.

And god, the chemistry between James and Guy was off the fucking charts! Ive never even seen a straight couple have the kind of chemistry these two had.

Their's is a story that must be known to all. Its a heartbreaking journey, but all so worth it in the end. They are the ONLY couple I shipped who got their happy ending. :D So they are extremely special to me. So here's me, sharing the McDean love. I dare you to watch the vids and not fall in love with them. :P

This is my favorite McDean Vid, brilliantly made. And the song is perfect for them, and one of my faves, The Scientist.

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And cuz JP owns my heart, and I am his fan first and foremost, this vid is about him, what he went through, cuz Craig was a bit of a jerk to him for quite a while.

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fangirling, jp/c, videos, v loves gay boys

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