Moonlight is bleeding, from out of your soul...

Sep 08, 2009 04:39

Okay, so I have this huge "OMFG!" news that Im dying to share with everyone. But Im going to post more about it later, cuz right now Im still deciding if I should or not, cuz whenever I get excited about something, and scream from rooftops about it, I jinx it and somehow things get fucked up. :/

Anyway, this news comes as such a huge surprise, (and ( Read more... )

omg, steven teh hotness wilson, porcupine tree, steven wilson is a fucking genius, v is a mess, v is a rabid fangirl, v feels blessed, v is ecstatic, yippeee!, icons, v is o-0, v is excite!

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i_rise_inside September 9 2009, 18:39:32 UTC
Sorry. Didnt want to write in a small column. :P

Thats ok, thanks. I'll look some more too. :D I wana make some SW/PT wallpapers for my desktop.

Im pretty much a computer loser, bouhaha. All this CSS/HTML is alien language to me.

Thats what I and many other non-college/PT fans in India are saying. An internatioanl event like this should be a ticketed event. People who really want to see them should get an oppurtunity, not people who know the college people and get free passes. So fucking unfair.

This is like a dream come true for me. I'd made up my mind to go to London to see them next year, when I'd saved enough money. And now, this, them coming to India is just unbelievable. I'll die if I cant see them this time.

I wouldve ordered the album from the PT store, but I dont trust the postal service in India. Moreover, the shipping prices are criminal!! My friend travels to London every week, so I ask her to get CDs and and other stuff, for me, that isnt available in India.

And adding ya. Thanks.


serena_vox September 9 2009, 18:50:02 UTC
I've made a fair few myself. I love to make stuff. I sent you a PM on here, by the way ( ... )


i_rise_inside September 9 2009, 19:07:20 UTC
Ooh, I would love to take a look, and steal some for my desktop. ;) And thanks for the PM, you've been such great help. <3 ( ... )


serena_vox September 9 2009, 19:18:24 UTC
I might post them in my next batch. I haven't been as prolific (frequent, as creative) with my graphics making lately as lots of stuff has been going on but I'm trying to get back into it. Not a problem.

What kind of banner? A header? If so, it depends on what layout you're using and what the size of the banner is and all. It's a complicated thing sometimes. Hehe.

Yeah, driving. Well, more like hitching a ride with my dad who wants to see the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland. I decided I would go across the State to see them because I don't know if they're coming back to the USA at all (news on whether or not they'll do another North American leg is shaky right now) and if they do, they might skip my state entirely next time, so I don't mind skipping town for a couple days to go see them.

Oh, yeah, sorry, the vinyl is there but I meant the CD editions. I kind of overlook vinyl 'cause I don't collect it. Haha.


i_rise_inside September 9 2009, 19:34:02 UTC
Cant wait to see them, I definitely will be stealing some, I know it. ;) I love whatever Ive seen of your artwork. And yeah, RL gets hard sometimes, and interrupts fangirling, doesnt it know how important it is!!? Lol.

Yeah, a header. "Complicated" is an understatement. Its mindfucking, I struggled with it for hours, and it kept shifting on its own, it was aligned differently for every page...on my journal, it was ok, on my friends page, it was all messed up. Ugh.

Its good that you're taking this trip, cuz you really never know with them. And like you said, its better to catch them, when they're still relatively close to your place. And it will be so worth it!! :D

I dont have too many of those, just of a few albums of my most favorite music artists, hehe.

And yeah, The CD isnt available yet. I cant wait to hear it, the preview sounds SO GOOD!


serena_vox September 9 2009, 19:48:04 UTC
Life, it hates fangirling. Rofl.

Strange. I'd have had to seen what you were trying to do. If you decide to try again sometime, drop me a line and I'll try to help!

Yeah, I mean, the USA gets pretty much everything in terms of concerts and all, but the way the economy is and everything, a band like Porcupine Tree have a harder time making their way without losing money, especially with the venues snatching a huge percentage of their earnings too. I just really can't wait though. If they do come back, I'm going again! :D

I don't have a turntable, so I don't keep vinyl. It's kind of a curse though sometimes it saves money since I'm not tempted to buy expensive vinyl versions of things with my CD stuff. Haha.

The preview sounds absolutely awesome. I've had a good feeling about it from day one. So I'm definitely excited!


i_rise_inside September 9 2009, 20:05:27 UTC
It was weird, cuz I wasnt doing anything wrong, I showed the CSS code I was using to a friend of mine, here on LJ, who changes her headers/layouts often, so she has a good idea about how it all works, but even she couldnt figure out what I was doing wrong. Lol, if I DARE to try using a header again, I will let you know, if I need any help. Thanks. <3 ( ... )


serena_vox September 9 2009, 20:18:15 UTC
Strange, it could have just been the layout and theme you were trying. I don't like to mess with mine much for those reasons. Rofl. I think I've had less than 8 headers in the entire time I've been on LJ. I just fail. Haha.

Yeah, that is what I hear. In past tours, they always came close to me, judging from the gigs list, so this is the first time they haven't come all that close. I was a little disappointed, but I am determined to make it to that show even if it kills me!

Haha, yeah, that is what I have seen from prices. I'm glad in some ways that I don't collect them.

I'll surely be posting a review when my copy gets here!


i_rise_inside September 10 2009, 17:25:35 UTC
Aww, heheh, Steven looks so cute and wide-eyed in your icon. <3

I changed my theme 3 times, cuz I thought that maybe it was cuz of that. But then I was convinced that LJ is nuts, and it hates me, lmao.

Oh, then it means that there are good chances of PT touring a city near your place the next time, but its good that you arent waiting for that to happen.

I cant wait to see your review. I will gush and blabber about the album in an entry too, once I get my hands on it. Dunno if you've noticed or not, but I dont really post much on my LJ, im wicked boring, rofl, and Im not used to talking about RL stuff online. Sometimes I wish I could change that.


serena_vox September 10 2009, 19:37:17 UTC
I've changed mine several but only about as many as I have the header. Every now and again, I get a wild hair to change my LJ completely and I'm not really sure why I do it because I usually end up spending an entire afternoon cussing out the CSS. Rofl. CSS hates everyone.

Possibly. Since they are gaining popularity, they are outgrowing the smaller venues rather easily. The one about an hour from me is one such small one. The odds are actually that they didn't decide to play it because there's not many shows in the USA this time, so you could be right and they might hit it later. Although, I am afraid they might not hit it at all - especially since I don't know whether or not they'll do a second USA run or not. But I'm definitely not waiting!

Yeah, but that's okay. I have spells where I don't post a lot and spells where I'll talk about what I had for dinner or other random crap and post nearly daily. Lol.


i_rise_inside September 11 2009, 14:58:14 UTC
Yeah, Ive felt like changing the whole look of my LJ too, many times, but I dont dare to even change the tiniest thing, I have no desire to struggle with CSS, it makes me want to hurl my laptop across the room, lmao.

I think they'll be touring for quite some time, but yeah, you cant wait for that. And though I love that they're getting more popular, cuz god knows, no one deserves it more than them, its sad that their fans at smaller places wont be seeing them often, or will have to travel a lot to get to their concerts. But I think the good outweighs the negative, like, they wouldnt have even thought about coming to India a few years ago.

Lol, yeah, most of my mates also make entries like that, but I just cant, for some reason. Im yet to make the other entry, to talk about the "good news", but none of my pals on LJ are PT fans, at least not that I know of, so there isnt any point, but I have to gush a little, and show some of them, the light. ;)


serena_vox September 11 2009, 17:38:35 UTC
Haha, that's exactly how I feel at times. CSS makes me want to throw things, although I am getting better!

Yeah, SW mentioned he won't usually tour a place until he gets an invite or is made aware of the fanbase there because he figures unless someone is throwing him paper airplanes that say "You have a lot of fans here! Come here!" he's assuming that next to nobody knows about PT.

The light is good. The light is very good.


i_rise_inside September 12 2009, 19:01:43 UTC
Yeah, it needs tons of practice and the kind of patience only God has. Lmao.

Rofl, SW is funny. Yeah, the guys who are organising the festival in India, where PT are going to perform, had to talk to SW for a long time. It took them 3 months to convice PT of their fanbase in India, and to get them to agree to come here.


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