crossing that bridge...

Apr 21, 2010 23:56

A couple actually.

First, contrary to what my crazy posts might have suggested, its been a while since Ive been stuck when it comes to Dean/Castiel. When I joined the online fandom, I was unsure if I liked just their friendship, or saw something more between them. The confusion got worse when I found that I was unable to digest D/C sexing, I just couldnt get myself to read anything but pre-slash stuff, and it wasnt cuz I didnt see them working romantically, cuz I did, but a few things were making it really hard for me to like whole-heartedly ship Dean/Cas.

- I always saw Cas as an asexual being. I have difficulty buying that a thousand year old virgin angel, suddenly knows all the moves, and gets forward and jumps Dean's bones. Also, I hate it when people simplify Dean/Cas, what they have is so much more, I think their relationship cant be likened to normal human relationships, cuz what Cas feels for Dean, clearly is beyond human comprehension, so at times, sex cheapens it a little for me.

- Dean is very stereotypically male, and I dont think he is capable of looking beyond Cas' very male vessel. And Dean's never been very clear about how he feels for the angel, its definitely something he's never felt before, but strangely Cas' feelings are easier to read (who wouldve thought?!) Dean's are very murky. (If you dont count his painfully obvious sexual advances last episode. :P)

- While Im convinced that Dean can be Castiel's priority, and he is, I cant say the same for Dean. Cuz his has always has been and always will be Sam. And I dont resent him for that, its in fact one of the reasons why I love him. But I cant help but feel that Cas deserves someone who will think of him first.

But now I ship the two of them, LIKE BURNING.

Ive somehow managed to overcome these issues, and been able to completely cross that bridge. How? I prefer to read fic where the sex isnt fluffy, the only way I see them doing it, its got to be angry, rough and spontaneous.(I do like some snuggling, I'll admit :P)  Also, I like it better when their relationship isnt defined, I like this thing they have between them, to be unexplained. And when it comes to sex, I like it if Cas is unsure, awkward, even if he makes up for his lack of knowledge and experience with his eagerness and ability to learn quickly. ;) Sex is fundamentally a very human act, and I like to see Dean take charge, even though we know he'd be total putty in Cas' hands. :P

About the whole Dean is a skirt-chaser, he cant be gay... Ive come to terms with it by accepting that being in hell has changed that bit. He was tortured for 40 years, I cant help but think some of it was sexual in nature. So yeah, hell has kinda broadened his horizons, if you get what I mean.

And the last bit, about Castiel never being the priority for Dean, sadly, I cant do anything about it, not even hope for it to change, so I just accept it, cuz it adds a tragic element to Dean/Cas, which makes them all the more appealing to me. Im a masochist, a sucker for angst, and somehow Im jinxed, doomed to ship couples who never end up together.

So yeah, I dont squirm anymore when I read Dean/Cas smut and yeah, I ship it, people. In the real sense.

Wow, that was long.

About the other bridge, *shuffles feet* its... ehm, about, RPF. *shifty eyes* Yeah, I dig it. There, I said it. But only Jensen/Misha. And I have no fucking idea why Im able to enjoy reading stuff about them, when rpf in general, disgusts me, and I even find myself judging people who like it, sometimes. Im a hypocrite!!! D:

But its not srs bsns, im not that creepy. :P They are adorable together. See see seeeee. (If you've seen that video, you'd know where this is from.)

credit to nicole

Also, if you are into Jensen/Misha rpf, then read everything by qthelights , I dont know how she does it, but she is so in their heads (their public personalities, of course) that it amazes me. And the sex, jesus, makes me pant like a fucking dog. Lol, sorry, im gross.

And and and, I have an amazing Dean/Cas fic series dedicated to me, by the brilliant pyjamagurl, *loves you forever* so yeah, go read it nao omg.

rps is dirtybadwrong but i like it, fangirling, dean/castiel is ruining my life, ramblings, jensen/misha has corrupted me, recommendations

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