A Change in the Wind

Oct 19, 2015 08:57

Art Prompt Title: A Change in the Wind
Art Piece Master Post: Here
Artist: ko_no_yo

Claim 1.
Fic Title: you live til you die
Author: Trojie (agenttrojie)
Pairing(s): Arthur/Eames
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 6617
Warnings: Post-apocalyptic, suicidal thoughts, canon-typical violence, explicit sex
Notes: Title from my Arthur/Eames anthem 'In the Fade' by Queens of the Stone Age. Beta-read by that pearl amongst fangirls and shining beacon of loveliness, signe_chan.

Summary: Turbines don't turn without power. Totems don't work if you're the one who's dreaming.

Claim 2.

rating: nc-17, pairing: arthur/eames, masterpost, round 5

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