Story drafts due tomorrow, October 19

Oct 18, 2014 17:28

Story drafts must be emailed to ireversebang @ by Sunday, October 19. If you are ready, you may email your drafts earlier.

The subject line should be this exact phrase: Story Draft Submission

This draft does not need to have been beta-read yet but it should be at least 3000 words OR at least 75% complete. You may paste your story into the body of the email or include it as an attachment.

Please copy the text below and paste it into the body of your email. Fill out all the fields as best you can.
Art Prompt Title:
Art Piece Number:
Fic Title:
Word Count:

Reminders: On October 26 the posting schedule will go up. During that week I will put up this year's Master Post template. If you would like to see a previous template, you can look here.

We are still looking for Pinch Hitters, so please fill out this form if you are interested.

On November 1, posting will begin at the rate of 2-3 stories a day.

If you have any questions, please leave a comment to this entry.

round 4, mod: rules, mod, mod: reminders

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