Artist/Author Matchup Reveals

Jul 06, 2013 16:58

Now that Claims have closed, we hope everyone has made some sort of preliminary contact with their Author/Artist. If, by the end of next week, the person you are working with still has not replied at all, please send an email to ireversebang @ gmail and we will discuss what to do. A Sign up post for Pinch Hitters will be coming in a few days.

For your convenience, here is a repost of the schedule and upcoming deadlines:
Friday, July 26th: Author Check in
Friday, August 16th: Author Check in
Sunday, September 1st: Stories due
Sunday, September 8th Posting Schedule goes up

Sunday, September 15th: Posting begins

Both check in periods will run for a week leading up to the listed deadline. Please do not be late.

Artist - Piece # - Author | Second Author (if applicable)
7daysofpaisley - 101 - deathbymutation
7daysofpaisley - 102 - jikeidannin
beautifulweddin - 103 - chibi_lurrel
darkknighting - 104 - citrinesunset | chibi_lurrel
iamnotnormal - 105 - eames
iamnotnormal - 106 - eternalsojourn
in1712 - 107 - recrudescence
kansouame - 108 - theskywasblue | pixiegerms
lauand - 109 - ohmydarlingdear
lauand - 110 - tyrotheterrible
nessismore - 111 - paperclipbitch
nessismore - 112 - metonymy | nozenfordaddy
rolotux - 113 - twilights_blue | f_water_d
aragorn - 114 - still_ciircee | f_water_d
kivvii - 115 - rex_dart | bookshop
motetus - 116 - the_leveret | piercingnisha
motetus - 117 - ohfreckle
blue_sparkels - 118 - slashydrunkard
uzudust - 119 - nostalgicatsea
Fruityshirts - 120 - mitjiin
kateison - 121 - barush | bauble
riais - 122 - bauble
piecrumbs - 123 - iamnotnormal
wlprocrastinate - 124 - sneaqui
tamat9 - 125 - grizzly_bane
chibifukurou - 126 - bauble | redxluna
shiroi_ten - 127 - golden_d | metonymy
The_leveret - 128 - lindenmae
the-secretsigns - 129 - freakykat
ayo_no_hako - 201 - rabid_x
ayo_no_hako - 202 - mrsdstephens
beautifulweddin - 203 - eustacia_vye28
beili - 204 - redxluna
kansouame - 205 - immoral_crow | ilokheimsins
osaki_nana_707 - 206 - safaiagem
yjudaes - 207 - dremiel
uzudust - 208 - bookshop
mincamo - 209 - mirai_gohan

Artists can go to the Claims Posts if they'd like to find their authors' email addresses (which are listed in the claim comments).

Here is a link to the galleries on Imgur:

Once again, congratulations to all participants! We look forward to seeing the completed artwork as well as the stories inspired by them.

round 3, mod: claims, mod

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