Art Prompt Title:
#2003Art link:
Art MasterlistArtist:
lick_j Fic Title:
A Kiss To Build A Dream OnAuthor:
lezzerleePairing(s): Arthur/Eames, Eames/Robert, Arthur/OMC's, Eames/OMC's, Arthur/OFC, Arthur/Eames/OMC, Mal/Cobb
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 29,269
Warnings: Dubcon, violence, abuse, prostitution, jealousy, sex under the influence of alcohol, cheating, canon character death, slut-shaming, misogynistic language, torture, blood.
Summary: During hard times in a fledgling country, Arthur struggles to define his relationship with Eames as they both work in Saito's brothel to make due. His future is put in jeopardy when two new customers bring two very different, very large problems to Saito's doorstep, threatening to take the business (and Arthur's livelihood) down with it.