fic:out of the frying pan (and into the fire) (arthur/eames, r)

Jul 21, 2012 10:45

Art Prompt Title: the photo album (or a lifetime together)
Art link: Art Master Post
Artist: ptoridactyl
Note: Not necessary, but if you wanted to leave a comment about the art, leave it here. Thanks,

Fic Title: out of the frying pan (and into the fire) or AO3
Author: lo_saay
Pairing(s): Arthur/Eames, Cobb/Mal, and very minor OFC/OMC
Rating: Mature/R
Word Count: 40,150
Warnings: Some sexual content (semi-graphic, no outright smut). Some violent content (semi-graphic). Non-graphic references to murder, torture and suicide. Warnings are just to be on the safe side, but it's really pretty mild.

Summary: All Arthur ever wanted to be was normal. As a child, he was a prodigy. As a teenager, he agnized that he was gay. As a young adult, he discovered a world where time stopped and peoples' most deeply buried secrets were his for the picking. Somewhere along the way, he recognized that his dream was a hard one to execute, even with a PASIV at his disposition.

round 2, pairing: arthur/eames, rating: r

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