- Posting begins on the 6th of November. It is up to each Artist/Author team to decide who will make the Master Post entry to i_reversebang. If a piece has two assigned Authors, the Artist must make the Master Post.
- Please be conscientious about using appropriate warnings; you may put your warnings under spoiler text. If you have questions about proper warnings to put on your fic, feel free to send an e-mail to ireversebang @ gmail to discuss the issue.
- Every Master Post made to i_reversebang will be placed in a moderation queue and reviewed before being allowed through. However, please note that we (the mods) will not be able to read every fic in its entirety as it is posted.
- Banners are permitted in the Master Post as long as they are work-safe and no larger than 400px in width and 350px in height.
- All stories must have a minimum word count of 3000 words.
- If you have any questions, please comment to this post or send us an e-mail, but know that we did our best to accommodate everyone's scheduling requests.
Piece #, Artist, Author(s)
Sunday, 6th of November
205, evisionarts, bauble
104, ameluz71, earlgreytea68 & kore_rising
Monday, 7th of November
105, ko_no_yo, sibilantly
Tuesday, 8th of November
110, dreammaidenn, earlgreytea68 & isidore13
101, beautifulweddin, cimila & eustacia_vye28
Wednesday, 9th of November
106, marourin, sofia-gigante
111, dreammaidenn, lavenderparadox & roseandthorns28
Thursday, 10th of November
119, kateison, chasingriver
115, kaminagi, eustacia_vye28
Friday, 11th of November
203, ko-no-yo, mrsdstephens & redxluna
Saturday, 12th of November
207, robinredr, involuntaryorng & 1lostoneficspot
103, ameluz71, xynnia
Sunday, 13th of November
206, skipping_pledge, dreammaidenn & agenttrojie
Monday, 14th of November
201, geekbynight, colliena & ilokheimsins
118, kateison, msbrightsidesh & redxluna
Tuesday, 15th of November
113, kedgeree11, rex_dart & kate_the_reader
Wednesday, 16th of November
117, nyooomu, mlfctnngtotem
108, geekbynight, ilokheimsins
Thursday, 17th of November
114, monaiyra, bookshop
107, kedgeree11, corinnethewise & MaryJane221b
Friday, 18th of November
120, lkaet, sohappyiwhistle
116, kaminagi, potterlockedpme
Saturday, 19th of November
121, involuntaryorng, kedgeree11 & ohfreckle
Sunday, 20th of November
202, marourin, rex_dart & dreammaidenn & teacuphuman09 & monochromatia
102, beautifulweddin, kore_rising
Monday, 21st of November
204, justgot1, teacuphuman09 & nonsane
Tuesday, 22nd of November
112, lauand, immoral-crow & mrsdstephens
Wednesday, 23rd of November
109, swtalmnd, bauble